The things I would do if the bank put 1.2 billion dollars in my account.

by Josue
(Tampa, FL, USA)

First of all I would go to the nicest restaurant in town where ever I am and eat the biggest meal I can to make me think clearly. I would do all my good deeds first. Then I would immediately start a bank and open a black box. I would put $500,000,000 dollars in banks. I would give 20 million dollars to charities all over the world especially in Africa. I would not to forget to give ten percent to churches as I am a Christian. After that the fun would start

I would buy the most expensive Italian suit then fly to Vegas. I will plan to have one of those hangover nights. I will take a few of my closest friends including my brother and we would gamble and party the rest of the day. We would get a sweet order champagne and steal Mike Tyson’s lion. I would buy my own Jet and my own place in Hawaii. I would purchase a Lamborghini. I would go on a drinking a binge. I would do something adventurous.

Last but least I would give money to my parents. I would buy my mom a house. I would sleep and do nothing that’s final when I have a billion dollars I would do nothing.

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