Halloween Writing Prompts

These 10 Halloween writing prompts focus on the many different traditions around the United States based around the spooky holiday. These traditions include corn mazes, massive pumpkins, ghost tours and more. If you want to go beyond the typical, "What are you going to be for Halloween?" prompts, this list is a fantastic start.

Halloween Writing Prompts

131. One particularly scary Halloween activity is to be led on a ghost tour. Ghost tours involve tour guides taking groups to mysterious, haunted locations. Where in your area might a ghost town lead you? Would you be scared visiting such creepy places? Why or why not?

132. In Altoona, Pennsylvania, pumpkin farmers weigh their gargantuan pumpkins every fall, sometimes weighing pumpkins over 1,000 pounds! What would you do with a 1,000 pound pumpkin and why?

133. Imagine that you were placed in the middle of a Halloween corn maze that featured over a mile of paths. How would you and your friends find your way out? Do you think you'd enjoy the challenge of getting out? Why or why not?

134. In some Halloween traditions, families set out an extra place in honor of people who are missing but invited to be there in spirit. Imagine that a ghost your family knows actually came to dinner and sat down at the table! Who would the ghost be and what might you all talk about? Why did he or she decide to come?

135. In Damariscotta, Maine, each Halloween season residents compete in a pumpkin boat contest, carving a giant pumpkin into a boat and racing it through the water. Describe what it might be like to try to maneuver a giant pumpkin through the current. Why might it be difficult?

136. In Greenwich Village in New York City, participants create giant puppets like 20 foot long dancing skeletons and glowing caterpillars. Create a conversation between two of the giant puppets on Halloween. What might they think about the wild celebration and why?

137. In many foreign cultures, Halloween is taken less as a time for candy and more to remember ancestors. Who is your most memorable ancestor? Why has he or she made such a mark on your family?

138. While plenty of people decorate their houses for Halloween, a house certainly isn't the scariest building to begin with. What are some frightening buildings that would make really scary haunted houses and why?

139. Imagine that you have put together a Halloween costume party for pets! How might you dress up your pets and what are some examples of the animal costumes you might see? Would it be a success? Why or why not?

140. In some areas it is a Halloween tradition to visit the graves of famous people. If you could visit the grave of any famous individual, who would it be and why?

I hope you thoroughly enjoyed these Halloween writing prompts! If you did, feel free to check out my new book:

1,000 Creative Writing Prompts for Holidays: Festive Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories and More.

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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