2nd Grade Writing Prompts #3: Spring

This collection of 10 2nd grade writing prompts about spring will give your children tons of imaginative ideas to pen down. This may be the first season that your students notice certain aspects of nature and as a result they may have many thoughts that work well as stories or other writing ideas.

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 2nd grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digitaland paperback form. 

2nd Grade Writing Prompts #3: Spring

321. How do you know when spring really starts? Is it the first blossom from a bush or tree? Is it the reappearance of squirrels and other forest animals? Other than using the calendar, how do you really know that spring is on its way?

322. What would the end of winter into the beginning of spring be like for you if you were an animal living in the woods? Would you and your animal buddies have a party when it got warmer?

323. There are a lot of cool things that happen in the spring like baseball spring training, warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours than winter. What is your favorite part of the spring and why?

324. One part of spring requires a lot of hard work and effort and that part is Spring Cleaning. This is a day when your parents make you stay inside and work your butt off even when it’s nice outside. Imagine that you are forced to clean for this event while your friends are all playing outside. Write a story about that day.

325. What is your typical spring outfit like? How is it different from your many-layered winter outfit? If you had unlimited money at your disposal, what additions would you make to this outfit?

326. When it comes to daylight savings time, the phrase usually goes “spring forward, fall back." What does that mean you have to do in spring? How do you spring forward and what are some of the consequences of springing forward?

327. Now that it’s spring again, you and your friends have the ability to do all sorts of activities you couldn’t do during the winter. What are your top three activities? Write a story about a specific time you and your friends did one of the three things.

328. One of the most important colors of spring is green. The newly grown plants are green, some of the holidays (like St. Patrick’s Day) are green and a lot of the clothing has green in it. Imagine if spring suddenly adopted a new color and now everything was purple, orange or some other color. How would things change?

329. Spring is a sort of re-birth from all the cold of winter. Some people take it as a time to start a new habit like an exercise plan or by writing every day. What is a new habit that you can start up in the spring and why would you choose that in particular?

330. What is your favorite spring animal that you see roaming around the town now that it’s warm? If you could have a conversation with that animal, what would it be about and why? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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