The Happiness Blog Tour

The Happiness Blog Tour will run March 1st through April 30th, 2012 and will feature my guest posts on 61 blogs in 61 days. Phew. Makes me tired just thinking about it. I'll be doing some great giveaways, including free digital copies of my book The Post-College Guide to Happiness, paperback and audio book versions of the book and even a Kindle Fire! Check out the blogs on or after the corresponding days to find out more about how to enter!

March 1: Pretty Opinionated
March 2: A Cozy Readers Corner
March 3: Suddenly Books
March 4: M. Scott Fiction
March 5: Makobi Scribe
March 6: Workaday Reads
March 7: Luxury Reading
March 8: Indie Author How To
March 9: Books, Books, the Magical Fruit
March 10: Jennifer Hubbard Blogspot
March 11: College Aftermath
March 12: Spellbound By Books
March 13: Ramen Rent Resumes
March 14: To Be Determined
March 15: Writing is a Blessing
March 16: Graduated and Clueless
March 17: The Daily Harrell
March 18: VVB 32 Reads
March 19: 2 Read or Not 2 Read
March 20: Enter Adulthood
March 21: Jamie's Precious Peas
March 22: Tiger's All Consuming Books
March 23: Bookshelf Confessions
March 24: What Book Is That
March 25: Reflections with Coffee
March 26: The Top Shelf
March 27: Bibliognome
March 28: Tifferz Book Review
March 29: The Minding Spot
March 30: My Life on the Midlist
March 31: My Neurotic Book Affair
April 1: Buried in Books
April 2: Reading Away the Days
April 3: FWIW Reviews
April 4: The True Book Addict
April 5: Mary's Book Blogger
April 6: Donna's Blog Home
April 7: Ednah Walters Blogspot
April 8: Giving n' Sharing
April 9: Indie Designz
April 10: Made By Jess
April 11: Silver Solara
April 12: Sharon Henning Blogspot
April 13: LB Writes
April 14: Book Lovers Paradise
April 15: Turknoy
April 16: So Simple Sara
April 17: Wakela's World
April 18: Earth's Book Nook
April 19: Lori Calabrese Writes
April 20: Grad Meets World
April 21: Stressed Rach
April 22: Is It Amazing
April 23: The Mod Podge Bookshelf
April 24: Sapphyria's Book Reviews
April 25: Simple Love of Reading
April 26: Bookingly Yours
April 27: Life After College
April 28: Smiley Boy Knows Best
April 29: e-Volving Books
April 30: Build Creative Writing Ideas

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