Sometimes you just need a little push in the right direction... here are some creative writing tips.

Welcome to the creative writing tips page! This website is not a place where you are going to find a quick fix that will solve the writer's block or the lifestyle problems that are holding you back from being the kind of writer you know you can be. These kinds of tips do exist, I'm sure of it. But they are not lasting. 

Update for 8/20/14:

Sometimes we need a little reverse psychology. Here are three ways to discourage creativity

I just finished my first novel! Here are six lessons I learned along the way to help you write your own. 

I recently returned from teaching self-publishing at a writing conference. I was intrigued by the questions people asked during a Q&A session. Here are the questions I think people should be asking. 

I've never struggled when it comes to coming up with ideas. If you have, here are some tips to come up with your own writing ideas

The best writers have consistent writing routines. Learn how to start writing during your writing sessions. 

Writing productivity is one of the most important skills for a writer to learn. Here are five ways you can start to build up this muscle. 

I've had some issues in the past with finishing my books in a reasonable amount of time. Learn how I'm trying to turn this problem around using smart writing deadlines

There's something amazing about finding that perfect writing location. Learn how finding a writing sanctuary might impact your career. 

Learn how to think big picture when it comes to your writing. 

Here are some tips on dealing with the surprises of your writing career

Check out my post-mortem on the successes and failures of the March to a Bestseller event. 

Does marketing your book make you wish you had a support team? Here's a bit of marketing inspiration from Earth's mightiest heroes.

Have you ever felt like something was holding you back from writing? You may need to sign your own permission slip. Check out this post on getting permission to write

Here are two more recent posts, one is about how to write every day while the other is about getting over 50 Amazon reviews on my latest book. 

Here's a new writing tip on increasing your self publishing sales

My goal with this site is to share ideas with you that have helped me to improve my life in such a way that writing creatively has become easier. These ideas have helped me improve my efficiency and more easily reach a creative flow state. Since I believe that making creative writing a bigger part of your life involves a lifestyle change, you need to evaluate what is holding you back. Gather all your best writing pieces and start making a eBook with our easy online tools. 

Whether it's a personal time management, motivational, or health problem, there are articles that can get you moving toward a better place. If you just need to sharpen your skills, try these exercises and prompts to shake the rust off. 

Also, if you are truly going to embark on this new creative lifestyle, don't you need to know the answer to the question, "what is creative writing?" 

If you aren't really sure what's holding you back, you may just be a victim of self-sabotage.

If, on the other hand, you're just too tired or stressed out to do the creative work you want to do, try this article about caffeine and its affect on your health.

There are countless things that can hold you back from getting started on writing. For solutions to a few of those problems read this article about twenty distractions and excuses. And here are some short and sweet creative writing hints that may help you along the way.

Our own lives have a wealth of memories and emotions that we can make a part of our writing. For more information on substitution, click here. For another perspective on substitution, check out this article on real creative writing.

One of the best pieces of advice I've been told about writing, acting or anything creative is to really let yourself experience the emotions that your work brings up. Please read this article about giving yourself the gift. 

There are many choices that you will have to make when trying to bring your work to the masses. Most people are interested in going the only route they know how: having a big publishing house or production company choose their work. There is another way. Don't forget about self publishing when deciding how you want to deliver your creativity to the world. If you're trying to sell more books, check out my experiences selling books. If you have had trouble with rejections and pricing your self-published book, take a look at Chris Blewitt's post on going from 100 rejections to #1.

There are often times where we writers just plan don't feel like writing. But what if we have to? Here are some writing without inspiration creative writing tips. If you no longer work at an office, here are some location creative writing tips to get your work done. If you're trying to write your first novel, check out these novel writing tips to get you speedily to the end of your first draft. If you want to write the Great American Novel, it's a good idea to stick to the fundamentals.

If you have plenty of work that you've started and haven't finished, check out this article on using your leftovers. Here is my opinion on the importance of pride in writing. If you have too much pride to let other people help you, read this article about the importance of asking for help. If you want to write a poem for that special someone, here are some tips on how to write love poetry. If you are up for an award, read this little ditty on how to write an awards speech

Of course, I am not the only one on this wide-spanning Internet that has a few ideas when it comes to writing. Visit Henry Bingaman's Creative Writer's Desk for some articles about writing creative non-fiction to get some great insight into that field.

We can all use some creative writing tips to get our latest work off the ground, so click here to get a free book and some self-publishing tips. If you are having trouble writing the first word, check out this page on how to cure writers block. If you're having trouble putting on the finishing touches, read how to finish a book. If you're creating some New Year's resolutions, check out these ideas on some writing resolutions. If you are worried you aren't good enough, check out this article about narrowing the gap between your good taste and your talent.

Check out this article if you'd like to learn how to use writing prompts, which is a helpful skill given the many on this website.

In March 2010, I wrote a little life update with some fitness and writing tips.

One of the best creative writing tips I can possibly give you is that doing what you love is much more important than making money at a job that you can barely stand. Waking up early can also have a major impact on your ability to write throughout your day. Here is more information on becoming early morning writer. If you are considering starting a journal, here are five tips on how to write a journal. Writing every day is essential to being a writer, and here are some of my tips on everyday creative writing.

Here is a creative writing tip about working out during your writing session. One way to workout your brain during your writing sessions is to practice writing by hand.

Are you a teacher? You may find a valuable lesson plan in this creative writing assignment on setting. Also, here is an article of creative writing tips on teaching creative writing outside the box. And if you're just starting out as a writer, here's an article on my creative writing process. Check out this article to learn more of my opinions about the future of creativity. If you aren't as creative as you used to be, read this article on the creativity conundrum of emotional maturity. If you think being cool is more important than your artistic inclinations, hopefully this creativity conundrum article will make you think twice. If you think you're too old to be creative, read this creativity conundrum article on some late bloomers in artistic fields. Even if you don't have the natural talent some other people have, check out this creativity conundrum article on talent. Here is another creativity conundrum you might face: missing out on opportunities in your past.

I believe that gratitude is very important for a writer and that a grateful writer is often a successful writer.

I've written my resolutions for the site for 2012 right here. Learn more about how to write sex scenes on this article about a Toronto creative writing conference.

More and more tips for creative writing are coming, so keep coming back and feel free to spread the word. Thanks for reading. 

Kick writer’s block to the curb with my brand new book 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts! Check out some early book reviews right here.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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