My Speaking Page

"Bryan Cohen was an engaging and intelligent speaker for our writing group. He was witty and funny, but also genuinely helpful. I would definitely book him again!"                                                    - Richard Pulfer, Program Director, InPrint Professional Writer's Association. 

With the world opening up to a new collection of authors, it can be tough to find the right kind of speaker about self-publishing. In the last few years, I've had the great honor of speaking at several conferences, writing groups and schools. Something that sets me apart is that I always try to bring my speeches to a higher level.

Much of my training in speaking comes from acting and improvisational comedy classes. I studied at the great iO Theatre in Chicago, a training ground for comedians Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Bill Murray and more. Through these classes and my speaking gigs/interviews, I've honed my approach to be informative, light and entertaining. 

Keep reading to learn more about my past speaking engagements and how to get in touch with me. 

At any point you can contact me by visiting the site's Contact page. 

What You Can Expect From Me

1. Prompt, professional replies to your email messages and phone calls. 

2. A personal phone consultation with me, so we can better understand how I can best serve you and your audience.

3. An announcement about your event on my blog and social media channels. (This assumes that your event is open to the public and you want additional visibility for it.)

4. A well prepared, informative and entertaining presentation focused on achieving objectives and exceeding expectations. 

5. A quick follow-up call after the event to ensure your satisfaction with my appearance. I also want to learn how I can make improvements going forward. 

"Bryan Cohen is an engaging and motivating speaker. His easy going manner while offering tons of valuable tools for the new or seasoned writer, is appreciated by all. (We've) invited him back for the third time. We recommend him highly. One of the best!"                                                                  - Carolyn Miller, co-chair, North Wildwood Beach Writers Conference. 

More About Me

I'm the author of more than 30 books, including 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts: Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories and More, an Amazon #1 bestseller. My success in self-publishing led to multiple speaking gigs, including multiple appearances at the North Wildwood Beach Writers Conference. I've also spoken on a panel at Chicago's famed Second City and delivered a talk at the InPrint Professional Writers Association. 

My writing career has also led to some wonderful teaching opportunities. I've taught workshops at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the iO Theatre here in Chicago. I've also found great teaching opportunities online. My Udemy course How to Work for Yourself has over 5,200 students and inspired a free book that has been downloaded over 100,000 times. 

I recently got married to my college sweetheart, Amy, and we enjoy cooking together, marathoning Netflix original shows and seeing all that Chicago has to offer. In my spare time, I play for a local soccer team, run races and produce plays and improv shows. 

My Clips

Here are a few clips of my interviews to get a feel for my speeches. 

Interview with Garrett Pierson on How to Write a Book ASAP 

Interview with D'vorah Lansky about doing a 30-day blog tour

Interview with Carol Tice on Make a Living Writing

While the following clip isn't from a professional speaking gig, it is a great way to see how I handle a large crowd. Check out my appearance on the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. 

Bryan's appearance on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire (Aired May 2013) 

The Next Step

Thanks again for considering me for your event. You can take the next step by sending me a message on my contact page. Just click on the link below. I will get back to you right away. 

Click here to message me on my Contact page. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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