A Day I'll Never Forget

by Ned

This is perhaps my most powerful childhood memory, which is strange, because I can’t remember how the story ends. I just know how it felt. My mother sometimes used to take us to a neighbor’s house to play with her kids while she ran errands or took care of things. We didn’t go to this neighbor’s terribly often, so we didn’t know them very well. On this occasion, I was about five.

Everyone else was inside and I was outside riding one of the neighbor children’s bikes (I didn’t have a bike of my own). When I was done, I pulled the bike up the stairs to leave it on the porch. In doing so, I accidentally knocked one of the plant pots off the stairs and it broke. I had absolutely no idea what to do. All I can remember is leaving the bike on the porch and running home. Of course, there was nobody there. I decided to just go along the side, where there was a path lined with fuscias leading into the back yard.

I don’t know what I thought I was doing, but my idea was to just wait until my mom came home. After that, I don’t remember anything, not my mom coming home or us telling the neighbor or anything. In fact, I don’t even know how long I waited or if we were taken back to their house again.

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Sep 30, 2015
Being honest NEW
by: Anonymous

Well, all that you could done is just be honest and tell everything to your neighbours or mom. I needed once an article about honesty and I was asking everybody who can help me write a paper for money? and I got an idea, that I will start to do it, just practising, being honest with everybody, and you know, it helped me to get whole point of honesty

Sep 30, 2015
Being honest NEW
by: Anonymous

Well, all that you could done is just be honest and tell everything to your neighbours or mom. I needed once an article about honesty and I was asking everybody who can help me write a paper for money? and I got an idea, that I will start to do it, just practising, being honest with everybody, and you know, it helped me to get whole point of honesty

Aug 17, 2015
Could you do an article NEW
by: Al

Could you do an article that talks about copyright? How do we avoid infringements when we cite other people's compilations over the internet? For example, what if I print-out a paragraph of our Catechism as it has been formatted (text, font, layout, etc.) over the internet by the Picayune, Mississippi, parish St.Charles Borromeo Catholic Church SCBCC. How do I attribute their work? I notice when I leave one portion of their Catechism site, and go to print a paragraph, that SCBCC's "case number" from the Vatican appears giving SCBCC permission to offer an eletronic version of the Catechism. So how do I properly attribute at that level? Thanks!

Jul 30, 2015
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by: Anonymous

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Jul 01, 2015
by: KING

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Jun 29, 2015
excellent work! NEW
by: vicky

excellent work it really helped me a lot.

Dec 19, 2013
by: Anonymous

It is very nice story and I like this web-site very much!

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