by Micahel
Oh boy I like these apples. Who knew there was all that yummy stuff inside. Good thing that big guy has his cutting thing.
I hope he gives me another slice. Look look he is cutting another piece. No no don’t give it to the little boy, can’t you see me here. These are my best puppy dog eyes. He is not looking, he is not looking, “wimper wine, wimper wine”. Look at my adorable eyes and this wagging tail, you totally have to give me another piece.
“Sorry girl all gone”
What do you mean all gone, let me smell those hands so I can be sure. Yep no more apples there. But big guy are you dense. The three of us are standing under a tree filled with apples, “roof, roof”
“All right girl but just one more”
Yea, that looks like a good one. Yummy yummy.
“Uncle Mike, how did you know spots would like apples.”
Less talking, less talking more cutting please, “wolf, wimper wine”
“Dogs will eat almost anything if they see you eat it first. But you have to be careful because some things are not good for them to eat”
Please, please another piece, “whimper wine”
“Here, last piece, now lets keep moving.”
I love the farm there is so much to do out here.
Wait, what is that smell. Bunny, bunny. Stop quiet, quiet. It is right there in that bush I just know it. If I move really slow it won’t see me. Think quiet thoughts, think quiet thoughts.
Oh no, what are you doing big guy, you are going to walk right in front the bunny bush. Oops, you scared it, there it goes, “roof, roof”
Don’t worry big guy I can run over there and find him again with my nose.
There it is, in this bush over here. Quiet, Quiet. Big guy why are you still walking in the same direction, you are walking away from the bunny.
I guess the big guy does not know what to do with a bunny. I just have to leave it here and catch up with the big guy and the little boy. Oh well, I hope we find more apples, the big guy knows what to do with an apple.
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