by Emily D.
(Orland Park, IL, USA )
His solidarity had stunned her. As Amy stomped off infuriated and barefoot from security James too boarded the moving sidewalk shoes in hand remaining so until they reached the terminal. After his hasty introduction, he had stolen the seat next to her on the plane to Amsterdam. They talked for the next nine hours and landed as old friends. He even held her hand to guide her down the slippery stairs from Waterloo hill. Now in Paris, she relished this chance to support him.
All day long his sarcastic jokes had been eating at their new friend Sarah. An innocent comment on the beauty of the Seine or her apt critique of a woman's hideous purse would be mocked with some deadpan remark. By the time the lift doors opened on the lower deck of the Eiffel Tower her thin patience was tried with every nervous adjustment of James'"unbreakable" bendy glasses frames.
"And then since it was so crowded, we pranced right back out again! You know, like we were a Clydesdale pony with big bell-bottomed feet? And the security guard starts laughing and neighs at Amy and me!"
Sarah's now solo pony dance had once again attracted attention, this time from two German guys with a camera. She noticed them snickering as the followed her bouncy path and took it in stride.
"Success! I have now been laughed at in three countries! Jealous aren't you James?"
"I've never been laughed at"
"Hate to break it to you but we've been laughing at not with you" Amy's chuckle reverberated through the railing in response.
"I mean by anyone important" On some level Sarah must have known he was joking, but that snarky smile was just too much for her now. Before Amy could stop her she smacked James upside the head. It wasn't very hard: just a small push from fate. The invincible glasses wriggled off of his face bouncing onto his right shoulder and with a titanic momentum sunk into the trees below. As far as anyone knows they are still intact littering French soil today.
A moments shock and James was laughing. Suddenly there was no time to go to the top with Sarah who sheepishly went on with other friends. With the bus coming so soon the pair took the stairs down to try and observe the glasses. Legally blind, James let Amy guide him down the twists and turns. As the landmarks' majestic twinkling painfully flashed in strobe effect, James humbled himself. He clutched Amy tighter putting his arm round the small of her back and placing his head on her shoulder with his useless eyes closed. When their feeble attempt to retrieve the glasses was thwarted by an angry armed guard the couple simply strolled around waiting for their group. Holding hands, they looked up at the tower, and were now able to enjoy the distant shimmering lights reflected in each others eyes.
"I'm sorry I was such a jerk today...and for missing the tower..." he mumbled into her neck smelling her hair.
"It's better this way" Amy smiled into his shoulder. "Now we'll always have Paris."
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