Free Character Writing Prompts #4:

Check out these 10 character writing prompts about athletes! We are living in a fitness conscious world, people! It's not always apparent for writers who are not frequently the fittest bunch, but if you are writing about an urban area, it's very likely that there will be tons of runners, bikers and other athletes moving through the city at rapid speed. Not all athletes are hardcore and not all of them are muscle heads, so if you plan to include a character who is an exercising fiend in your story, here is a list to check out.

Free Character Writing Prompts #4: Athletes

1. You couldn't have told by looking at him in his suit and tie, but your co-worker is secretly a weekend warrior. You'd known that he worked out every morning, but it wasn't until you got that gym membership that you realized to what extent. Several miles at an Olympic pace, followed by power lifting and a hilarious aerobics routine. It turns out that in addition to being a sales genius, he competes in triathlons all over the country. How did he get into this hobby and what kind of satisfaction does he get from it?

2. You asked him for a spot during your bench press attempt and you were amazed by how easily he picked the bar off your chest. He was massive. You were even more amazed when your friend took you to a drag show and he was the main attraction. After the show, he recognized you and gave you a huge bear hug that nearly suffocated you. It turned out that lifting weights was a diversion for him, while being on stage seemed to keep him alive. What is it that makes him happy about both pursuits?

3. With a baby-face that kept her looking fresh out of high school, the hardcore former-gymnast pushed the hefty bar over her head to the cheers of her fans and teammates. At first she seemed like your average Hollywood youthful blond, but under the sun dresses and beneath the smile beat the heart of a warrior and the muscles of a boxer. Add in an impeccable sense of timing and you have a woman who could melt your heart, crack you up and beat the pants off you, depending on the situation. How do people's reactions to her tend to shape her opinion of the world?

4. She is large, in charge and she doesn't take crap from anybody. Oh and she's also a marathoner. You nearly choked on your water when she first told you. While the woman may be 50 to 75 pounds overweight, at the end of the day, she could outrun you. Your friends have told you she's a joy to run with, cracking jokes and shouting at passing cars. Since you have wanted to take up running, you go for a jog with her one day where she tells you an amazing story about how she got into running. Write about her story and why she made running a part of her life.

5. As you paw over the walls of your new friend's apartment, you ask him how he earned his varsity letters. It turns out that he is your college's mascot! Not only can he do flips and leap through the air with the greatest of ease, but he can do it all while wearing a giant costume. Quiet and reserved, you wouldn't assume he would be responsible for firing up tens of thousands of fans multiple times a week. When you ask him why he became a mascot he says, "Well, you only live once, right?" What kind of career do you think this athlete will take on after graduation and why?

6. You've made friends with the toweringly tall, blond barista at your favorite coffee joint and you sit down for a cup with him after his shift. It turns out that he is a jack-of-all-trades in a big way. It turns out that he had a stint in minor-league baseball and he still plays semi-professional ball as a starting pitcher. While he recovered from major elbow surgery a few years back, he finished his PhD and studied in Europe. To pay the bills, he trains local young baseball players and gives motivational speeches to youth groups. You marvel at his goal-setting abilities. Where did he get his sense of hard work from and will he ever make it to the big leagues?

7. Sitting across the bar you can't help but recognize the muscular woman looking back at you. As you approach her, it becomes clear that she is one of the buxom, buff women from the popular television professional wrestling league. You've seen her kick butt on multiple occasions and she's portrayed as one of the toughest women alive. When you get to talking to her, you realize it's not just a persona. She tells you stories of bar fights and brawls she's had off camera. That being said, she also talks quite kindly of her parents and sisters. How did she get into this line of work and what's her drink of choice?

8. She recently celebrated her 80th birthday with a morning swim. This isn't so surprising considering she's swum about 25 laps every weekday for the last two decades. Unsurprisingly, she looks more fit and younger than most of her counterparts at Church, where she is a major official. She loves her grandchildren and hopes one day they can all go for a swim together. How long do you think she'll keep up this healthy and life extending athletic habit?

9. When you made it a point to interview the man who started your favorite charity, you never expected to be staring up at a seven-footer. It turned out, this former pro-basketball superstar had a heart as big as his massive hands. After growing up in a rough neighborhood and losing his brother to a gunshot wound, he knew that he would be back to change things. A strong listener and a slow-speaker, he is one of the best interviewees you've ever encountered. Are there any other surprises to learn about this caring, hulking man?

10. You had never even heard of the X-Games (short for extreme) until a co-worker invited you out to see her friend. You expected to see an ugly, over-tattooed, pasty girl who clearly batted for the other team. After seeing an amazing skateboard routine, your friend's friend took off her helmet to reveal the face of a movie star. With long, black hair down to her shoulders and a perfect smile, you weren't surprised to hear that she had sponsored lining up for her. When you all sit down for a drink, what is the first thing you ask her and how does she answer? 

Did you enjoy these character writing prompts? Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon! 

Done with Free Character Writing Prompts about Athletes? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts. 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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