Free Character Writing Prompts #70: 
Brides and Grooms

Here comes the free character writing prompts all dressed in white. If you're unmarried like me, than you are truly able to notice that when a couple of friends get engaged, something about them changes. Perhaps it's that they're gaining some sort of wisdom we haven't yet attained. Maybe they are letting it sink in that they will be tied to one person for the rest of their lives. Then again, it might just be because they have to spend the next year or two figuring out every aspect of a day-long event that will change everything! Regardless, while there are some bridezillas and monster grooms out there, most brides and grooms are just regular people put in the extraordinary situation of planning out the perfect wedding. 

Free Character Writing Prompts #70: Brides and Grooms

1. He was just very laid back about the whole thing. His parents were beginning to worry that he was hiding something from them. After all, he'd had a history of anxiety attacks as an adolescent and he hadn't come close to one since the proposal. His bride-to-be expressed some concern that he wasn't anywhere close to freaking out as much as she was. When they asked him why he was so calm, he said there was nothing to worry about because he was about to marry the woman of his dreams and no matter what went wrong, everything would be perfect deep down. Will this cool as a cucumber groom continue to remain cool through the end of the wedding reception?

2. It was the morning of the wedding and he was absolutely nowhere to be found. His bride had a feeling he might do something like this as he'd be acting very strange the past week. Ever since his bachelor party, he had been fairly noncommittal about the last second decisions required for the wedding after being quite gung ho earlier. His wife-to-be found him in one of his secret spots in the city, his favorite diner. He knew she would find him there. He wanted to talk things out one more time to make sure that he was making the right decision, since life would never be the same again. Is she able to convince this cold-footed groom to walk down the aisle with her?

3. She was small in stature and loud in volume. Her prospective husband loved how assertive she was, as it was a complement to his more quiet demeanor. He never expected her to be as dominating a person as she was during the wedding planning though. Her stern voice turned angry on multiple occasions with caterers, florists, musicians and more. When the bridesmaids dress came in the wrong color, he thought she was going to blow a gasket she had so much steam to expel. He didn't understand why she was so stressed out and frustrated about the planning when everything was mostly going smoothly. Will the stress she exhibits continue through the wedding and into the marriage, or will it cease once the planning has ended?

4. By all appearances it seemed like she was going to be a diva during the wedding that was only a couple of months away. The wedding planner just knew it, but then again, she didn't really know the bride-to-be. Despite the fact that she was a whole lot of woman and she appeared to be quite boisterous, when it came to the wedding, she was as quiet as a church mouse. She knew deep down that she had the ability to take over the planning process and make it all about her. She knew it wasn't about her though, she wanted it to be about the wonderful process of joining her and the love of her life. She acquiesced on many decisions that would put the focus more on her and altered it to highlight her groom and her family. One day wasn't important to her in the grand scheme of things. What was much more important to her was setting up a foundation for the rest of their lives together. What are some of the ways in which she has made the wedding more about the union than her alone?

5. He was a guy's guy and when his girlfriend proposed to him over a year ago, his first thought was, "I wonder what my buds will think?" He was completely in love with this woman but he didn't want it to affect his partying and drinking with his guy friends. He made sure that his wedding party had a huge part of the reception to all say toasts to him and his bride. He also had a separate room available so that people could watch the big game if they were tired of partying for a few minutes here and there. He wanted it to be the perfect bro wedding and not be all flowery and pink like some weddings tend to be. What other aspects of the wedding will be more masculine than effeminate and what will his friends think of the event?

6. It was weird that he had to travel halfway across the country to make his marriage a reality, but none of the states he had family in allowed gay marriage. When he finally reached his destination, a church they had only seen pictures of online, he began sobbing uncontrollably. It was perfect in every way. He was a sentimental guy and he thought back to his older friends who couldn't legally be married. He felt completely blessed and he knew that by creating this beautiful ceremony with his partner, he would inspire the other members of his family to see how wonderful same-sex marriage could be. Not bad for a middle-of-nowhere hick who once hated himself for being homosexual, he thought to himself. How did he come to accept himself and to choose to wed far away from his home state?

7. She didn't want to just have a regular old wedding. She knew that the most important aspect of a ceremony and reception was to be memorable and she devoted every second of her planning to determine what her guests would most enjoy. Her groom thought that she was thinking about others too much and that she should concentrate more on what would make her happy. Her whole life, she had been thinking of how to make other have a better time and she felt like she wasn't going to ditch that now just because she'd getting married. Her groom loved how selfless she was and it was one of the reasons he wanted to marry her, but he figured she wouldn't be so accommodating on their own wedding day. What are some of the concessions she makes to turn the wedding into an event people will be talking about for years to come?

8. Throughout the process of planning her wedding, she wanted it to be a fairy tale. The problem is, from the beginning it seemed doomed to be anything but magical. The beautiful country chapel they rented was under renovation and was covered in scaffolding. Half of the guests were stranded at airports throughout the country due to incredibly strong storms in the area. Her dream haircut was even screwed up by her typically awesome stylist. She was freaking out and she kept looking back to her wedding journal that she'd been using for over a decade to plan out every little detail. She whined and cried her way up to the alter seeing only the mistakes and not the things to be grateful for. Will she be able to pull herself together enough to say "I do?"

9. He had always been a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy. When he asked his girlfriend to marry him, he insinuated that he would love to do a quickie wedding followed by a party with friends later on. While she had other ideas, he kept needling her due to his hatred of planning anything at all. He felt that stress always came from dwelling on things too long and weddings were notorious for that. After all his pushing and prodding, she finally gave in and they drove to Vegas for a speedy wedding. When they finally got there, he wasn't as sure about his decision anymore. He saw the run down quickie wedding place and looked at his soon-to-be-wife and realized that the two of them deserved better. He decided that instead of getting married there, he would pack months worth of planning into three days and that they'd find a way to get married at the planned party back home. Will this decision cause him to plan more events out in the future or is it a one time thing?

10. She was tired of the same old wedding. She hated the long, drawn out ceremonies and the old people music playing so the aged relatives could cut a rug after dinner was served. She wanted her wedding to be all her and so she scrapped every convention of what a wedding meant and started from scratch. Her groom knew that she would have her own way regardless, so he stepped back and watched her make magic happen. The ceremony she came up with was so incredible that it warranted local news coverage and eventually became viral. The reception could hardly be described it was so wild. What are some of the things she did to turn a blah wedding into a blow out? 

Did you enjoy these character writing prompts? Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon! 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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