Free Character Writing Prompts #64: 
Knights and Warriors

These character writing prompts about knights and warriors are so strong that you'll feel embarrassed about your toughness just writing about them. In my nerdy days of playing medieval-based games full of dragons and princesses, one of my favorite character types was the knight. This dashing hero was able to battle where other lesser fighters couldn't and was frequently seen dashing across the page or screen on a white horse. If you are creating a more modern tale that wouldn't work well with these heroes, feel free to adapt them to a more modern setting like the police or the Army. In addition, to keep up my fairly balanced character total, I will be placing female warriors related to knights here among the ten. 

Free Character Writing Prompts #64: Knights and Warriors

1. He seemed like the fairest knight of them all with long, blond hair and muscles that barely fit into a suit of armor. What those in the town did not know is that in his youth he was one of the most mocked children of his small village. Overweight and underappreciated, he knew that he would have to become the most handsome knight in the land to gain respect. He ran away from home and trained himself to live off the land. He missed reading and writing, which were his initial passions, but upon his return to civilization, he was the perfect candidate for knighthood. Was he ultimately happy with his decisions and would his past every catch up with him?

2. No matter how hard he trained and how many damsels in distress he saved, he was always going to be second best to the most famous knight in the world. He was most certainly an amazing rider and fighter and if he were to battle said knight one on one, there would be a chance that he'd win. The problem was that he simply wasn't charismatic enough to bring in the same kind of support for his exploits. It bit at him sometimes that if he'd been born in a later generation, he might have been thoroughly hailed for his skill and strength. Because he came about when he did, however, he would be second banana for his entire life. Will this somehow second-rate knight do something about his plight or let it play out?

3. She lived a great deal of her life as a lie. When her parents were killed in a village raid, she used her riding skills to escape injury and she ended up in a much larger town in which she could blend in. She knew that the best way for her to get back at those who wronged her was to become a knight, but there were no women knights in her country. She cut her hair short, affected a deep voice and dressed in boy's clothing for the next five years, as she trained to become a protector of the realm. She was able to keep up the ruse long enough to be knighted and to confront the people who killed her parents. Once she has exacted revenge on those who wronged her, will she continue to pretend she is a man so she can best utilize her training?

4. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw these heavily armored men walking through her territory. They appeared ready to take on an entire army, but they would be no match for her. After they fell into a few of her carefully placed trapped, she quickly disarmed them with her speed and asked them to tell her what their business was. They laughed at seeing a woman threaten them until she placed a sword tip right next to one of their necks. As they laughing ceased, they asked for her help to lead them through the woods to find a kidnapped girl. She agreed and over the course of the next few days, she wowed them with her many abilities to survive in the wilderness. How did she end up being the warrior she is today?

5. His whole life he knew he was born to be a conqueror. One of the first armies he led was successful in conquering a great nation after barbaric tribes had been attempting to do the same for decades. The only issue was that he was a fantastic vanquisher, but not much of a political leader. After his battles were successful, he was so popular that he was a unanimous choice to lead the new nation. This wasn't something that appealed to him in the slightest, though he knew it was his duty to take up the position. He made horrible decisions that angered the populous, though they were very beneficial to his warriors. Soon enough, he had a coup on his hands and led his army into battle. What will the end result be of his ability to fight and his lack of an ability to lead?

6. He was trained to attack and destroy anyone and anything his paying employers told him to. When he was sent to raze a village of innocent men, women and children, however, he decided to change his colors. He felt a sort of kinship with the people there and he quickly turned his team of men into protectors for the area. He knew that his employer would send others to attack and he did his best to train the members of the village to protect themselves. It took a lot of work and he was by no means the best teacher in the world, but when the second wave of mercenaries came, they were ready because of him. What was it he saw in the village that made him change his mind about proceeding with his orders?

7. In an ancient land where women were worshipped instead of relegated to the house alone, she was the most powerful knight in the realm. Men were not allowed to lead in this place and she was glad of it, since many of the men she knew were weak and easily influenced by their impulses. In her experience, women were strong and focused and could defeat any obstacle. When her realm clashed against a realm of male warriors, she knew that it would be no match for her well trained soldiers. In this literal battle of the sexes, will this powerful female warrior be successful in her war?

8. To the untrained eye, her and her friends seemed like average middle-aged women who were ready to concentrate on creating a family. In reality, she was the leader of an elite fighting team that kept her city safe from the gangs and mobs that were slowly taking over. She had learned multiple fighting styles and movement skills to train her group in tactics that would let them move silently throughout the area. She listened in on an extra police scanner she borrowed from her husband, allowing her and the team to get the drop on any criminal activity. When did she and her secret band of warriors decide to take the city back into their own hands?

9. After his country lost most of its knights in a major battle, they really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find a set to replace them. He was one of those candidates. He'd always wanted to be a knight, but he wasn't fast, strong or smart enough to ever make the first string. The thing he had that set him apart from all the candidates though was the fact that he had a huge heart. He loved his country and fought for nothing but the love of the men, women and children who deserved freedom. Through his hard work and his love, he quickly became the leader of this new band of heroes and he was successful where the first group of knights had failed. How did he develop such heart and what are some of the adventures he and his new team of soldiers will go on?

10. When she was kidnapped from her kingdom, most thought that there would be some kind of large ransom for her safe return. No random would ever come, because the kidnapping was staged by the princess herself. She wasn't interested in the slightest in becoming a princess. She wanted to escape from her parents who forced her to be girly and avoid what she really loved: saving people who needed saving. She was no damsel in distress, but she was more than willing to save an actual damsel. Slowly but surely she learned from teachers in the wilderness how to take care of herself and become the warrior she was born to be. What were her reasons for wanting the opposite of a royal existence? 

Did you enjoy these character writing prompts? Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon! 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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