Free Character Writing Prompts #3: Sidekicks

Check out these 10 character writing prompts about sidekicks! There's nothing like having a friend to help you out of a sticky situation, or one that gets into a sticky situation frequently. Whether it be a cop drama, a family comedy or an action-adventure, there is typically a hero and a sidekick. While the hero is steadfast in his beliefs, the sidekick is frequently the voice of reason, sarcasm and occasionally, the trouble. Sidekicks can be the best part of a story or one of the most grating aspects. I'll try to keep to the most enjoyable ones in this list. 

Free Character Writing Prompts #3: Sidekicks

21. As you scan the radio, looking for crime to defeat, your partner in heroism is practicing extreme martial arts on a punching bag to your left. As the bag snaps off a chain link and comes crashing to the ground, you wonder more about your partner's origins. He was practically adopted by your family decades ago and he never speaks of his original home. He is strong, fast but also cold and it's exceeding difficult to get him to crack a smile. Where did this partner of yours come from and why does he spend his time with you?

22. You have decided it's time to let your sidekick go. He's been tagging around you since elementary school, coming over your house, finishing your sentences and calling you practically every night. While he has a good attitude and he's been there for you in tough times, you may have outgrown his partying ways. He frequently lets you know about his lady conquests and those aren't the kinds of conversations to have around your family. You tried to break things off with him a few years back and he nearly cried. What is the next step with this lifetime friend and how will he react?

23. She is quiet, mousy and she is the key to your business. It has just been you and her for the last three years with you baking the pies and her keeping the books balanced. Words are not her forte, as she seems to tremble when she speaks, but she is extremely devoted. If you talk about your love of the company, you can see tears well up in her eyes. You've only seen her open up once or twice when alcohol was involved and she says nothing but nice things when she's drunk. What do you believe caused her to be so reserved and why does she like accounting?

24. As you land the jet you turn around and marvel at your co-pilot. "She saved my life again," you think as you give her an embrace. She let's down the guard of her extreme professionalism and utters a nervous laugh. She is all business in the air and the warmest person you've ever met on the ground. To get to where she is, she needed to work harder than anyone in school and through training. She's the best in the business and without her, you'd be toast. What goes through her mind in the air that keeps her so calm?

25. For years, your name has struck fear in the heart of criminals throughout London, but when it comes down to it, you're just the front for your brilliant sidekick. Sure, you've had to fight villains with your bare hands, but if it wasn't for your deductive partner, you would never have gotten to the end of each criminal maze. You are truly the brawn and the pretty face to go with his detective work. He is married with two children and has no need for the flash and excitement that you tend to enjoy. What has helped him to become the man of pure intelligence he is today?

26. As you attempt to save a village, you are forced to partner up with a wanted thief with a heart of gold. He says he's after treasure buried in the center of town, but he slips up and you realize that his love of riches is subservient to his desire to see the boorish warlord pay. Behind his moustache and his ability to work his way out of a sticky situation, there is a loyal and honorable man there. He covers it up by saying how amazing he is, but you can see right through that. How did this good man end up a thief and your partner?

27. As you wonder to yourself, "Why did I take on such an ambitious play?" your assistant director comes up behind you and puts her hand on your shoulder. "Get it together," she says with a smirk. She's not the lovey-dovey type. If she were a food, she'd be salty and sour. If it weren't for her, you'd have quit multiple times but she peps you up like a football coach and sends onto the field. You are grateful that such a strong-willed woman agreed to partner up with you in the first place. Why has she relegated herself to number two when she could easily lead the group herself?

28. As you walk across the alien planet, you are glad to have your sidekick close at hand. Not only is she extremely perceptive but she can actually see danger before it comes. You're still not sure if you believe in the second sight thing, but you've certainly seen her in action enough to know it can't all be coincidence. She often seems burdened with what she says are the many possible futures that could occur. She is kind and playful when you get to know her and you wonder if she sees a future together with you. When did she inherit such a gift and how has it shaped who she is?

29. When you won the heavyweight championship, you had no idea that one of your biggest supporters would be your brother-in-law. Sure, he's mooched off your success to a certain extent and he's had his share of trouble but he's literally been in your corner for every fight since. He's worked at the same job for decades and getting a little bit of luxury from you has made him happy as a clam. He's always there for a quick verbal jab at you when you're getting cocky and he's just who you need when you don't see the obstacles to a situation. How do you think he feels getting a chance to be taken care of after taking care of himself for so long?

30. You're getting old, but she won't let your fan base see or feel that for a second. She is your personal relations mastermind and without her, your movies might have been relegated to the bargain bin years ago. She is calculating but never cold and her height and wit are easily able to defuse any situation. Last year, you slipped in the shower and broke your hip and she spun it into a motorcycle accident. Brilliant and strong, she does her job better than anybody, though you know little about her home life. Who is she really and how does she get her kicks? 

Did you enjoy these character writing prompts? Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon! 

Done with Free Character Writing Prompts about Sidekicks? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts. 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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