by Zachary Mote
(Ocala FL)
If Television was never invented while i waa growing up life would be way differnt. Same with movies and television show but if the T.V. was not invented niether would movies and shows. My life would be differnt in many ways. Life would probaly be like the older days wen there was no T.V. yet.
Life would be differnt with out T.V. and movies. I would come home from work or wherever i was and just sit on the couch and watch T.V. or a movie. I would most likley be outside working around the house or on my dads farm that we own. Dinner would be differnt too because noe we watch T.V. shows while we eat, this would change and we would eat peacefully as a family.
Not having T.V. and movies would cause me to go to bed earlier and waking up eairlier. Movies and T.V. are usally watched at night before bed at my house and in the morning for the news. If there was no T.V. or movies i would probally eat dinner after i was done working outside and then get ready for bed and waking up earlier, which would be nice because i hate going to bed late which cause me to wake up late and be late for eveyhting.
Not having T.V. and movies im my life would be a good thing and a bad thing and would change alot. The good thing would be not going and waking up late. The bad thing would be not really having anything to do after school or work and dinner. This is how T.V. and movies would change my life.
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