Expository Writing Prompt List

Creating an expository writing prompt list is part of a transition for this website in a way. I've always wanted to cater to both students and adults seeking to improve their writing skills and motivation. Through the power of checking my web traffic, it's obvious that the student side has won out and I'll be writing more resources for teachers than ever. Enjoy this expository writing prompt list which can be used for creative or expository essays.

1. You and your best friend have entered into a contest to prove which movie is the best ever, but the two of you disagree. Write an expository essay in which you argue why your choice is better. Make sure to include the titles of both movies.

2. A trio of martial arts masters have come to town, each proclaiming that his fighting style is the most effective. Create an argument from one master's perspective as to why his style is superior.

3. After a summer of laying around and eating burgers, your friend has put on 30 pounds and needs to go on a diet. In the form of an essay, explain what diet your friend will choose, how to go about it and why he or she chose it.

4. In a horrible injustice, your parents have blamed you for stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, but it wasn't you. Determine who the actual culprit was and write an essay to prove how he or she did it.

5. After winning the lottery, your family has the choice of moving to any city in the world and you know which one would be best. Write an essay explaining the benefits of the city you want to move to or why you want to stay put.

6. Your crush has to choose between you and someone else. Write an essay to describe why you're the better candidate.

7. You have a certain process for each part of your daily routine. You go about brushing your teeth, getting to school and listening in class the same way every day. Write about one of these processes and how it works for you in the form of an essay.

8. If you had to pick one famous person, dead or alive, to spend a week with, who would it be and why? Explain your choice in the form of an essay,.

9. You have been chosen to create a feast for your writing class. Write an essay about how you pick which delectable foods you will serve and why you chose this particular menu?

10. Your teacher has put in you charge of teaching the class for a whole period next week on any subject you want. In an essay, explain what your choice is and why you picked it. 

I hope you got some useable essay starters out of this expository writing prompt list. If you're interested in a book full of prompts that can easily be adaptable to fit essays, check out 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts or 500 Writing Prompts for Kids

Done with Expository Writing Prompt List? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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