First Grade Writing Prompts #9: 
Your Home Town

Here is a set of 10 free first grade writing prompts focusing on your family's home town. While some kids have moved once or twice before hitting 1st grade, most have hardly ever traveled outside of the walls of their original home town. This is a great opportunity to use this town familiarity to write some great stories about the area they know so well.

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 first grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digital and paperback form. 

First Grade Writing Prompts #9: Your Home Town

411. Imagine that you had a friend or cousin coming in from somewhere far away and you had to show him around your town. What are some of the major sites you would show him? What would you do for fun to demonstrate to him that you live in a cool place?

412. In every country, state and city, there are certain officials that make sure people are following the laws. In each town or city it might be a mayor or a group of officials. Who is the person who runs your town and what is it you think they do to keep the streets clean and safe?

413. When a city has something important inside like a lot of people or a big, exciting business, they say that the people or business put the city “on the map." What would you say makes your town or city important enough to be “on the map?" Why would your city be important to other people who live outside of it?

414. Have you parents lived in this city their whole lives or did they come from somewhere else? If they’ve lived here for a long time, why do you think they like it so much? If they’re from somewhere else, where did they come from and why did they end up here?

415. If you left this town to move or for college, what do you think you would miss about it? When you came back to visit, what would be the first place you would go to see? Who would you visit upon your return?

416. Imagine that you were being interviewed by a magazine that figures out the best places to eat, dance and have fun at in your town. Where would you tell them the best place to eat is? What about the best place to dance or have fun? What are some other activities you might mention to the magazine?

417. Name and describe the following places you go in your town: grocery store, post office, school, doctor’s office, and park.

418. What are some of the places you would go to in town for the following things: seeing a movie, getting a new pair of shoes, going out for dinner on a Friday night, having a birthday party, watching two teams play sports?

419. Imagine that you were the town superhero. You are sworn to protect everyone in town from bad guys and crime. What are some of the crimes you’d stop? Where would you set up your secret headquarters? What would your town-related superhero name be?

420. A time capsule is container that you bury in the ground with a bunch of stuff from the present day. The capsule is to be opened in several decades so that people know what a town was like in the past. If you were in control of this capsule, what would you put in it? 

I hope you enjoyed my series of first grade writing prompts! Feel free to check out over 70 pages of prompts on the link below. 

Done with First Grade Writing Prompts? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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