Free Creative Writing Prompts #5: Friendship

When you look back on various times of your life like elementary school, summer camp, and post-college some of the memories that stick out the most are the ones of your friends. It’s hard to forget the people that you let inside of your comfort zone no matter when they were a part of your life. I still remember my teammates when I played touch football at recess in 5th grade and the crazy people who danced and sung with me in the rain when a camping trip was cancelled. Not all of them were great friendships that stood the test of time, but back in the day there were no other people I would have liked to hang out with than my best buds.

These 20 free creative writing prompts deal with the situations, trials, and tribulations you had with those friendships. Some ended well, some ended poorly, and some are still going on for better or for worse :). Here we go! 

1. Your best friend in the world calls you and tells you a secret that changes your friendship forever. Describe the conversation and the aftermath.

2. Detail the scene of the first time you told your friends you had a crush on somebody. Did they react negatively or poorly? Did their reaction affect how you handled yourself around this person?

3. The friend you are most disappointed that you had a falling out with knocks on your door. He or she comes in and you two sit down and talk about the old times and the new times. Write the conversation.

4. A woman or man you have been dating for the past few months says that she or he does not want to ever hang out with your friends ever again. How do you handle the situation?

5. The craziest experience you’ve ever shared with your friends. Go!

6. Look back in your life for a time when you had a bad breakup and you went to your friends for help. What happened?

7. You are asked to testify against a good friend of yours in a court case. Your friend is being tried for murder. You know full well that he committed it. What do you do?

8. What was it like the first time you introduced one of your high school friends to your college friends and versa?

9. Remember a time where two of your friends began to date. If this didn’t happen, make up a story in which it did. How does it play out?

10. Your first major fight with a friend. The lead-up and the aftermath.

11. Your last major fight with your best friend. The lead-up and the aftermath.

12. Your friend is dating a horrible, horrible person. How do you deal with it? If this situation has happened in your life, feel free to draw from that.

13. You are lab partners with your friend in a science class. She is doing absolutely no work and she’s bringing your grade down. How do you approach her about it?

14. During a drunken party, you and a friend made-out, fooled around or had sexual intercourse. Describe the encounter and the following day. Once again, if this has actually happened, use it.

15. A friend has borrowed a large sum of money from you and has yet to repay it. How do you approach the situation?

16. You come over to the house of some friends and realize you have walked straight into an intervention! What is the intervention about and how would you honestly react? Don’t make this your ideal nice person reaction, be truthful.

17. A body has been found and the dental records show it is your best friend. The parents have asked you to go and identify the body. Describe the experience.

18. Look in your life for a time that you and a good friend were roommates. How did this situation turn out? Beginning, middle and end.

19. Your best friend calls you while crying up a storm. How do you comfort your friend and what is it probably about?

20. Describe meeting your best friend in the world.

Feel free to create your own prompts based off of these. I realized while I was putting them together that there are so many ways you can go with friendship. I may create a second batch at some point.

As always, be as honest as possible while writing these prompts. Do not worry about the emotions they bring up because you can always relax them out and once again become happy and healthy. Also, feel free to share these with a friend after you write them. If you truly write from the heart, there’s a good chance he or she will be proud of you, like a good friend should be. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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