Free Creative Writing Prompts #29: Baseball

Baseball: they call it America's Pastime. It's the kind of sport that your parents send you out to play when you're 4 and the one that you're screaming at on television from your couch when you're 80. The week I'm writing this article finds us in the midst of the 2009 World Series. My hometown team the Philadelphia Phillies is trying to come back from a 2 to 1 game deficit against the evil incarnate ( :) ) New York Yankees. In honor of their meeting, I thought I'd though a few free creative writing prompts about baseball up here, because even if you hate the sport, you can't help but be occasionally touched by its grip. Enjoy the prompts...and go Phillies! :) 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Baseball

1. You are out on the town the night that your city's team has won the World Series! You have been swept up in the crazy mob of fans and you will probably not be getting home until at least five in the morning. Describe your wild night.

2. Try to remember back to your first baseball game. The first time you saw semi-pro or professional players running about over the course of a wide expanse of grass or AstroTurf. The first time you heard thousands of fans booing or cheering in unison for this game of bat and ball. Go into detail and if you can't remember something, make it up.

3. Describe a time in which you played some derivative of baseball. Whether it be the old ball and glove catch with your dad or friends or an actual full-length game. How did it go and how did it make you feel?

4. Put yourself in the shoes of a multi-million dollar superstar baseball player. Describe a typical baseball game day for you, keeping in mind your large expenses, your need to get to the field on time, the positive or negative fan response, and your trip back home.

5. Your town is all about high school baseball: they live it, breath it, and revel in its success. You are a high school student and your best friend happens to be the star of the team. How does this friend react to this compartmentalized superstardom? Does he change from the person you knew or does he really leave it on the field?

6. If you could be transported to any period in baseball history for a few weeks, which one would it be? Babe Ruth's Yankees? Steve Carlton's Phillies? The Cubs 1908 world championship team? Talk about your experiences in this new time and place in which baseball history is taking place.

7. What was your best experience with baseball? Why was it so positive and how has it affected your life?

8. What was your worst experience with baseball? Why was it so ridiculously negative and in what ways did it alter your outlook on the sport?

9. Describe yourself as a little boy or girl trying to catch a home run ball while surrounded by a bunch of drunk bleacher bums. Start at the at bat and go into minute detail as the ball comes your way.

10. Talk about (or make up) a time in which you went to a professional baseball game with a bunch of friends. One of those experiences in which you barely end up talking about (or watching) the game at all. Go into a lot of detail and have fun writing it. 

I hope you enjoyed these free creative writing prompts about baseball. A sport with over a hundred years of tradition has lots of potential story lines that can be drawn. I've seen several episodes of television shows (like Cold Case and X-Files for example) that have used baseball as a big influence to create an interesting plot. Even if you don't like the sport, it is a good resource for history and interesting characters. Batter up and happy writing! 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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