Free Creative Writing Prompts #27: Birthdays

A couple of weeks ago, I turned 27 years old. It was a nice birthday and we had a little party later in the week with some horror movies and light imbibing :). Whenever a birthday comes along it's easy to start comparing them to all of your previous birthdays. Which was the best, which was the worst, which was the craziest, that sort of thing. These free creative writing prompts about birthdays will help you to extract some of that information out of your brain. Who knows, this may cause you to have the start of a novel or screenplay that you can then finish by the time your next birthday rolls around :). 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Birthdays

1. What was your favorite birthday and why? Who was there? Did you have a party? What presents did you get? Be very specific about what made it so special.

2. What was your worst birthday and why? Be extremely detailed about what made it such an awful memory. As always, you can make it into a character's story and exaggerate all the details to an extreme degree.

3. Have you ever been to a birthday party that was so extravagant it actually made you somewhat jealous? If not, create a story in which a character goes to a birthday party that is completely out of his league. This especially includes the present that you got this person. Totally inadequate :).

4. How do you feel as though you will change with your upcoming birthday? Will your responsibilities change? Will your clock start ticking a little faster to do something that you've been meaning to do? Be specific and detailed.

5. Create your ideal birthday story for any age that you wish. You can re-make a birthday party or get together you've already had or plan out a new amazing celebration for the future. The important thing is to make it absolutely perfect in every possible way.

6. In a bit of magic, you get to relive each of your birthdays from the age of one all the way to now. How does it feel to be back in that high chair? What about playing party games a little bit down the road? Sitting with that middle school sweetheart you had at the time? What would you do differently and what would you make sure stayed the same?

7. Create a story in which the main character hates birthdays, and tries extremely hard to avoid telling people that today is his special day. And it happens to be the best day of his life. Elaborate to the extreme.

8. Talk about your best birthday cake experience, yours or someone elses. Did you put your face in one? Did you eat five to ten pieces of one? Have fun with this one and really flesh everything out. Mmm, frosting.

9. Write a story about throwing a birthday party for someone. Whether it be for a family member or a significant other. How did it go? Did the person enjoy him or herself?

10. What is the best present that you've ever gotten for your birthday? Not necessarily the most expensive, but the one that was the most important to you. Talk about it and try to remember where that present is today. 

If you searched this article because you have an upcoming birthday, I wish you an extremely happy day of fun and presents. These free creative writing prompts about birthdays are really about harvesting some great writing ideas from these special memorable occasions in your life. It's important to keep in mind that these events happen in all characters' lives and it may give us insight into knowing exactly how they tick. Have fun with them, save me a party favors bag, and happy writing!

Bonus Prompt - You have been given a five million dollar budget for your birthday party (from an anonymous donor). You can only use this money if you spend every penny. What do you do with this fantastic party budget? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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