Free Creative Writing Prompts #40: Camping

Camping has played two major roles in my life. At the end of the school year in elementary and middle school I always looked forward to seeing my "camp friends" at Willow Grove Day Camp in Pennsylvania. In high school, I was part of a nature club that used to take the middle schoolers out camping and teach them about the environment. These were both extremely memorable experiences and I have so many great stories that I could tell if given the right medium. Like...writing :). These free creative writing prompts about camping are based on my experiences and hopefully they will be broad enough to play off of your experiences as well. Also, I hope that these prompts can continue prove that you have millions of stories to tell from various parts of your life. Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Camping

1. You have just gotten out from school for the year and it's time to go to camp. What friends are you looking forward to seeing? What activities will you do?

2. It's the annual "Dad takes us camping" trip. Is this an event you look forward to or not? If you never had such a trip, imagine it, and write about how it'd go.

3. It's the biggest camping danger cliche ever: A bear! What do you do to avoid getting mauled?

4. What is the best campfire ghost story you've ever heard? If you've never heard one, make one up!

5. It's the middle of the night and you are a counselor for a camp of about 30 kids. The kids tent collapses in the middle of the night. What happens and how do you deal with it?

6. What is your favorite camping activity? Fishing, games, campfires, nature? Create a story in which you and your best friends are doing said activity.

7. If you could camp anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Go into extreme detail.

8. You are out camping with a grown up and he falls ill. You must lead the two of you back to safety. What do you do?

9. The crackling campfire can be so peaceful. Talk about sitting around one with your best friends.

10. You and your friends come upon an old cabin in the woods. What do you do? 

These free creative writing prompts have definitely made me want to bust out the old sleeping bag and get dirty in the woods. Sometimes the Internet and all our technological advances can make us forget that we have all of these wonderful wooded areas to check out during some of our free time. While information is king on the Internet, in life the king is experience. Go out and get some. And happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - You are a cowboy out in the wild west in the 1800's. Describe your typical camping experience. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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