Free Creative Writing Prompts #45: Diets

As I've said before, I'm not the slimmest and trimmest man in the world. I try to keep in shape and eat well on a budget. Like most people, I've been on plenty of diets, some successful and some not. And obviously, the hardest part of a diet is keeping the weight off at the end. Hopefully, these free creative writing prompts about diets can help you to use those failed and successful eating plans for something creative. If you're interested in sharing your writing with the community, feel free to use the form below the prompts. Munch, munch, munch...enjoy! :) 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Diet

1. You have been dieting for two weeks and you are about to step on the scale for the first time since you decided to go on this crazy thing. Write a story in which there are several alternate realities. One for losing one pound, one for losing five pounds, and one for gaining nine pounds.

2. Talk about your most memorable dieting experience? Was it a trendy thing like Atkins or South Beach or did you try to do something on your own? If you've never dieted, ask a few friends and you're bound to find somebody who has experienced a memorable diet.

3. You are on a diet and all food begins to talk to you. Of course, all the bad for you food sounds really charismatic while the diet food sounds like that date you want to leave at the restaurant. How do you deal with this awesome sounding but awful for you food?

4. You have lost the weight you've always dreamed of! Now what? Talk about how you're going to keep it off and live the life you want to live.

5. Detail using much description the eating of a plate of vegetables and brown rice versus your favorite meal ever.

6. Talk about your experiences with a weight-loss group like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. If you have never met with one of these groups, just make it up and see what happens. Talk about the first meeting, and the progression of good or bad advice that's given out.

7. Imagine that you have somehow gained superstardom and financial freedom. You hire a nutritionist, a trainer, and an herbalist to get you in super great shape. How does the first month of this new guided diet and exercise plan go?

8. You know that point in a diet where pretty much all food other than what you're eating looks fantastic? Detail a day in the life of a person who is going through that point.

9. You and your friends are holding an intervention for a chronic over-dieter. How does it go and what do you guys tell the person about his or her habits?

10. If you are thinking of starting a diet, write down here a plan and a story of how your first week would go. Try to make it a comedy instead of a tragedy if you actually want to follow the diet :). 

I think the most important thing to keep in mind when you're on a diet is to listen to your body. If you aren't meant to be thinner than a lamppost, then perhaps you should just keep your calories down and let your weight be what it is naturally. These free creative writing prompts about diets may help you to realize that most diets are a bit silly and that what is really key is that you stay happy and healthy. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - You have been given the ability to instill extreme nutritional value into any food you wish. Which foods do you alter and what are their new properties after you change them? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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