Free Creative Writing Prompts #53: Drugs

The first time I did drugs, was legally. I "smoked up" in Amsterdam and it was completely and utterly legal. That's a pretty good indication of how straight laced a kid I was. I barely drank or smoke until college, and once it was through, I hardly ever did either again. Some people have a lot stronger connection to drugs than I ever did, and it is for that reason why I have created these free creative writing prompts about drugs. You can use your experiences or those of the people around you to create, educate, and enlighten, or just to make a reliable stoner character :). Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Drugs

1. Talk about your most memorable experience with drugs, illegal or not, and how it affected you and the people around you. If the story is not very spicy, feel free to exaggerate to the extreme to make it more engaging for you to write.

2. Write about your experiences with the drug caffeine and how it has impacted your life and the lives of the people around you. Have you ever felt addicted or dependent on the drug? Describe a day in which it had an extreme impact.

3. Do you know of anybody who ever had a major drug problem or who passed away from a drug related issue? Write about your relationship with this person and if there is (or was) any way that you could help. If you did manage to get that person much-needed Help for addicts, write about it as well.

4. What (if any) illegal drugs do you feel are generally harmless and should be legalized? If you picked none, do you feel as though there are any other substances that should be made illegal?

5. You have found out that one of your neighbors is a major drug dealer. How do you deal with this knowledge and do you make any efforts to get this person in trouble?

6. You have a teenage child and you find some marijuana in his room. How do you confront the issue when you talk to him about it? How do you use your life experience as a guide?

7. You have been smoking marijuana with your buddies in your car. About five minutes later you are pulled over by the cops. What do you do?

8. Write a comedy sketch or entire screenplay based on stoner comedies like Cheech and Chong or Harold and Kumar. Feel free to make them as off the wall as you like.

9. Write a story about a character who is hard-core addicted to drugs even though he seems to be an upstanding person who leads a relatively happy life. Talk about how the character hides that part of himself and how he still manages to be a "contributing" member of society.

10. Craft a story about a rock band that is truly living the sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle. How does drug use affect their music and does it impact their overall career? 

I once lost a friend to a drug overdose. He wasn't a close friend and I really hadn't spoken to him very much in a couple of years. Drug use can be a scary thing and it can really affect those who are close to a person involved in a drug-related tragedy. While none of the free creative writing prompts series is meant to re-cause the pain of painful memories, it will help to channel the pain of memories into writing for personal or artistic purposes. If you know anybody who is having a drug problem, no amount of pleasure they could get in the immediate is worth the amount of pain they will cause themselves and those around them in the long run. Seek help for them if they need it. And if they need to write about it, you know just where to send them :). 

Bonus Prompt - You have the power to take away the negative effects of a particular drug and just utilize the positive effects. Which drug do you choose and how often do you use this now harmless drug? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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