Free Creative Writing Prompts #12: Fantasy

One of my favorite types of literature and film is the fantasy genre. While I don't always finish every book in each series, I was brought up on the Narnia chronicles and I have been a big fan of the works of Robert Jordan in the past. Combine with that the fact that I played text-based role-playing games for a couple of years in middle school (and then I graduated to games like Baldur's Gate and Diablo in high school, nerd alert!) and you have a big fantasy fan :). There are few limitations in the fantasy genre, which can lead to a ton of story or play ideas for you to work with. Here are some free creative writing prompts centered on fantasy.

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Fantasy

1. You have stumbled upon a wand and an instruction manual. You can do pretty much anything with this magical device, but it is probably best to keep it semi-secret for the time being. Describe your first couple of weeks with this new found life hack.

2. You live in a world where cars are obsolete because griffins take everybody around (starting around 1990). How does this change traffic patterns and roads? Are you still late to school or work because of your "vehicle?"

3. The world you live in is essentially the same...present day, same technologies...except everybody lives in castles and is trying to work their way up to knighthood (including women). Detail a typical day in your life.

4. You must go on a quest to save the world from impending doom! What do you bring, who do you bring with you, and what is this evil presence that is threatening the planet?

5. You wake up in the morning and you have become a centaur. Are you the only one? How are you going to go to work or school like this? What changes have occured in your life after this transformation.

6. You are taking your dog for a walk when he starts talking to you. In fact, all the animals in the world have just become extremely conscious and have begun talking to their masters. How does this change things? A new civil rights movement, perhaps?

7. Create your own fantasy world using any of the following elements: magic, elves, secret dungeon, a captured prince, and a self-replenishing bag of gold.

8. You have suddenly been inserted as one of the characters in the Lord of the Rings series. Who are you and do you change anything about how your character acted in the books or movies?

9. During a tornado, your house flies away "Wizard of Oz" style and ends up in a fantastical realm. Where is it and how do you go about your quest to get home?

10. You can pick a significant other from any fantasy book or movie. Who is this person and how are they in a relationship? 

This list barely scratches the surface of possibility for idea generation with the fantasy genre. Feel free to write one of these fantasy free creative writing prompts in the space below, or to simply add your own new idea. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take my griffin in for a tune-up :). 

Bonus - A fantasy author or filmmaker of your choice has given you 100% creative control in continuing the story (or doing a prequel). What do you do with this power? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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