Free Creative Writing Prompts #9: Halloween

Ah, Halloween, one of the strangest holidays I've ever experienced. Not that I have any complaints. How can I have a gripe with a holiday that lets me eat all the candy I want, dress up as someone more amusing than myself, and that gives me the guilty pleasures of looking at women dress in their "Sunday best." These free creative writing prompts about Halloween may help you create some writing based off of your memories of the holiday and from hypotheticals that very well could happen (especially the ghost one ;)). Enjoy these prompts and please safely enjoy the consumption of over 2,000 calories of sugar this year :). 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Halloween

1. Explain your most memorable Halloween: from the candy you received, the costume you wore, the environment of your neighborhood (if you trick or treated) and why it has dwarfed all of your other Halloween experiences.

2. You have a 16 year old daughter who wants to go to a Halloween party with all of her peers. You take her to the Halloween store to find an "appropriate" costume. She is resistant to most "conservative" choices. Describe the encounter, your feelings, and what you end up deciding upon.

3. In a burst of charity, you are planning to be the best Halloween house in the neighborhood by giving away the best candy. Go through the days of preparation and detail your holiday evening. How have the children reacted? Have you sample one too many of the goodies, perhaps?

4. Best Halloween costume you've ever been in. Go through the entire process of creating it and the reactions of your peers.

5. The top 5 costumes you've ever seen on Halloween. Why they were so memorable to you and why you wish you'd thought of them first.

6. You see an actual ghost on Halloween! Not necessarily an angry one, but definitely a depressed ghost. How do you help him cope with death and his haunting afterlife?

7. You are throwing the best Halloween party in town! Describe your preparation, the shin-dig itself, the aftermath, and the cleanup. Did you enjoy yourself? Did your house almost burn down?

8. Research the origins of Halloween and try to imagine what it would be like on one of the first commercial Halloweens. Write a story about a boy or girl in those early days of the holiday.

9. You and your significant other need to create a "couples" costume. What do you pick and why? How does it go over with the group? If you do not have a significant other, just use your ideal mate in the story instead :).

10. You go on a candy eating binge! Detail your feelings during the pig-out session, when you reach your breaking point, and how you feel the rest of the night (and following day). 

There you have it! It never hurts to use your memories (or potential future memories you party planners, you) to create something fun. Even if you write something that doesn't see the light of day after you write it, it may lead to future ideas that will create a spooky, entertaining yarn. Happy Halloween! 

Bonus Prompt - You get the esteemed pleasure of explaining Halloween to a foreign exchange student. Describe the encounter and take him on his first Halloween adventure! 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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