Free Creative Writing Prompts #62: Home

These free creative writing prompts are about your concept of "home." What is home? Is it where the heart is? Is it where you're living? How long do you have to be somewhere before it becomes home? These are the sort of questions that will be answered through the writing of these prompts. Take some time with these as you may think of things that mean home to you only after a long period of introspection. Feel free to talk to the people around your home to get some ideas and support. Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Home

1. What does the concept of home mean to you? Would you call just one place or multiple places home at this time? Describe how you came to this feeling about your "home."

2. What are the things you always look forward to when you're home? Are there certain places you like to eat at? Certain people that you like to see? What activities do you do? Be very specific.

3. Would you still consider the place you grew up as being home? If so, talk about all the things that still make it a place to come back to. If not, determine the events that led up to it losing its status.

4. Write a story in which you are unemployed and you lose your physical home. Where do you go and what do you do? Is there any place in the world that you still refer to as "home?" How do you keep yourself from feeling lost and despaired?

5. Imagine that you are a child of divorce that must go between two parents' houses due to joint custody. Which house do you consider to be home and why? Talk about a situation in which you tell both of your parents this and how they react.

6. Do you look forward to coming "home" for the holidays? What kind of preparations does your family make in order to make you feel more at home? Is there a place that you would rather be to enjoy yourself more during this typically family-filled time of the year?

7. If you could choose any place to be your home; to be a place that you felt comfortable in and could enjoy most of your days where would it be? Feel free to choose anywhere in the world, even if it's somewhere you haven't been.

8. Do you have a restaurant, bar, or other hangout that you feel is your home away from home? It's the kind of place where everybody knows your name, like the show "Cheers." The kind of place where they'd ask about you if you didn't show up for a couple of days. Talk about how this became such a location for you.

9. Do you have a group of friends that you always hang out with when you're home? Do you ever find yourself slipping back into old habits and mannerisms when this occurs? Compare a hangout from a long time ago with these home friends with what a hangout would consist of right now.

10. Talk about accomplishing something that you always wanted to do in and around your home. Is it asking out that old high school crush, going to that one tourist place you never got around to, supporting that one local cause? Imagine achieving this task with flying colors and how it makes you feel. 

Where is home for yours truly? I think a lot of places can be home at the same time. When I'm home in Pennsylvania with my extended family it's a different kind of home than Chicago (or my college almamater Chapel Hill, North Carolina), but I feel like there are parts of me that are at home in any of those locations. These free creative writing prompts are meant to inspire you with thoughts about how important home is to you. Perhaps you can get some good writing out of it as many books are based on the author's experience with their concept of home. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - Have you ever seen that Twilight Zone episode where the little boy gets magical powers that allow him to hear everybody's thoughts and change people into toys if he doesn't like where their thoughts are going? You have been given such powers in and around your home. Do you use them for evil or good? How does it all go down? 

Related Articles to Free Creative Writing Prompts about Home
Free Creative Writing Prompts from the Heart, Part 1
Free Creative Writing Prompts #2: Love
Creative Writing Exercises #2: Relaxation

Done with this page? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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