Memory. It can play tricks on us. It can fail us when we're down and out. It can save us when the pressure is on. I have a huge fascination with the brain and how it works. The people that are able to use their brains effectively can do such wonderful things in the world. And then there are those who avoid using their brains completely and settle into an instinct-filled life. Keeping hopeful memories alive is one way to keep that desire to use your brain. Aside from all of that positive hippie mumbo jumbo I always spout ;), the memory is a great place to draw from for your writing. Here are some free creative writing prompts about memory.
Free Creative Writing Prompts: Memory
1. What is your earliest childhood memory? What do you think was going on around your memory that you don't quite remember? Would you have changed this memory if you could?
2. You have suddenly been given enhanced brain power and you can remember everything that's ever happened to you nearly at the same time. What do you remember that causes you to change how you behave currently? What are some lessons you learned that you promptly forgot?
3. You and a significant other are recounting the story of how you met to a couple of friends. How do your stories differ and explain why you think that is.
4. If you could change one memory for the better, what would it be and why? Go into extreme detail including the context and subtext of everything going on during this unfortunate memory.
5. Trace the origins of one of your habits. For example: Why do you kiss your hand and touch the roof of your car every time you go through a yellow light? Did you have a friend who started doing that and you followed her lead? Figure out when you started doing something that you now do all the time.
6. You have just gotten in a car accident and have complete and total amnesia. How do you cope with this and how do the people around you attempt to jog your memory back to working condition?
7. You have to deal with a parent who is suffering through Alzheimer's disease. What do you do to preserve the ailing memory of your mom or dad and how do you deal with the emotions that you're experiencing?
8. If you could forget one memory that haunts you, what would it be and why? Go into extreme detail including the context and subtext of everything going on during this memory. How would life change once you've forgotten it?
9. Create a story of how you enhanced your brain power over 100% using nutritional supplements, exercises, and a whole lot of hard work. Perhaps creating this story actually will improve your brain!
10. Remember back to an extremely happy time in your life. Write down as many details as you can remember about the time, including what you were wearing, how the room was decorated, what it smelled like, etc.
It's not always easy to remember a lot of stuff from your past. Here's a trick. Remember something that occurred around the same time as the memory you're trying to dig up. Especially something emotional. Try to remember very specific things about a teacher you had, or a girl you like, etc. This can help to trigger your brain to look in that time period and you may come up with exactly what you were looking for. Until next time...happy writing!
Bonus Prompt - If you could switch brains with any one person who would it be? Keep in mind (ha!) that you may lose your memories and they would be replaced by this person's.
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