Free Creative Writing Prompts #70: 
Second Grade

These free creative writing prompts are meant for those around the age of second grade. It's weird to think back on how big the changes are between every grade in elementary school. You learn so much basic important information that ends up being used for the next ten to fifteen years of your life. How to read, write, spell, and learn other pieces of information. I was very fortunate to have teachers that supported writing with journals, etc. in these early years. Teachers, feel free to use these prompts for the same purpose (journaling) or whatever writing projects you see fit. Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Second Grade

1. Who is your favorite famous person? What do you like about him or her and would you like to do what he or she does when you grow up? Why?

2. If you could be a character in any book or movie who would it be? What would you do differently and what would you do the same as the character? Why?

3. What is your favorite thing to do during the summer? Is it camp? Vacation? Hanging out in the house? Why do you like it so much?

4. What do you think your parents were like when they were your age? Do you think they were the same as you or different from you? Would you and your parents have been friends?

5. What is the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? Why was it so scary and how did you get away from it?

6. How big is your family? Talk a little bit about everybody from your family: brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, uncles. Talk about everybody!

7. What is your favorite subject in school? Do you like reading the most? Math? Science? Talk about that subject and why you like it so much.

8. Talk about a fun thing you did with your friends or family. Write about the day from the time you woke up to the time you went to sleep. What did you like so much about it?

9. What do you think is the best way to help out in your town? How could you make things better for everybody else? Write about how even one person can make a difference.

10. If you had to write a book what would it be about? Talk about some of the characters from the book and what they would be doing. 

Writing is such an important part of early education. If you learn to write early, to express yourself, you can keep from bottling feelings up and you can begin the lifetime process of improving yourself through creating new ideas. Second grade was a tough year for me personally because we were in the midst of moving from one school to another. My ability to write helped me to write those feelings out and I'm grateful for those who taught me. These free creative writing prompts for the second grade can hopefully help in a similar way. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - Your teacher has made YOU the teacher for the rest of the week. What are you going to teach the rest of the class about? How do you think they will like you? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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