Free Creative Writing Prompts #22: Success

This topic for my freecreative writing promptsseries is near and dear to my heart. It was my newfound focus on success that led me to create this blog in the first place and helped me to be a happier and healthier person. Reading and writing on success allowed me to improve my relationships, my attitude, and it helped me to achieve my goals. These prompts may help with that or they may not, but what's important is that you use these to get some good words on paper and to perhaps get you thinking a little bit about your focuses in life. I would be honored if you used the submission box at the bottom to write out one of these prompts and share it with the website's community. 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Success

1. What is your number one goal in life? If you do not yet have one, no time like now to choose it :). How do you plan on reaching this goal? What would happen if you achieved it? What would be the next step?

2. Talk about a time in which you felt really accomplished. This could be any number of things. Go into extreme detail, especially about your emotions surrounding the event. How did other people feel about your achievement.

3. Have you ever felt jealous from someone else's success? Who was this person and why did it affect you so much? Would you change your reaction to this situation if you could?

4. Who is the most successful person you know? What can you learn from this person that is applicable to your own life? Write about a meeting with this big achiever in which you learn all of his or her secrets.

5. If you could have a meeting with any success guru (a la Tony Robbins or Rhonda Byrne) who would it be and why? What would you talk to them about and how could you learn more about your life through them?

6. Talk about a time in your life where you felt like a failure. What did you learn from this experience that may have helped you to become a stronger person?

7. Write a story about a person rising through the ranks of your field (it could be writing, advertising, anything really). Detail his or her rise from the bottom of a field to the top of it. Are there any steps this fictional person took that you could take yourself?

8. What is the definition of success to you? Is it the absence of failure? Keep in mind that failure allows you to learn things, so if "the absence of failure" is your definition, try to revise it to be more positive and achievable. Write a few different definitions before you settle on one that's right for you. Then apply it to your life and talk about ways in which this definition could help.

9. Talk about the ways in which you are a success and the ways in which you are not. Go into extreme detail with every part of your life. How could you become more successful in some of the areas that are lacking?

10. Do your parents view you as a success? If they weren't around or passed away prematurely, do you think they'd be happy with your success wherever they may be? Talk about that and discuss if it matters or not. 

Goals are scary because you might fail at them. What's more scary? Not giving yourself any goals and living your life out through animal instinct and fear. You don't have to use these prompts, but at least give them a few lookovers to make sure that you are trying to embody some principles of success. I wish you the best as always, and of course, happy writing! :) 

Bonus Prompt - You have encountered a Success Genie who will grant you three wishes to make your life more successful. He won't give you ten billion dollars or suddenly make you look super attractive, but he will add to the success of your life. What will your three wishes be and talk about your encounter with the genie as a whole. 

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Free Creative Writing Prompts from the Heart, Part 1
Free Creative Writing Prompts #2: Love
Creative Writing Exercises #2: Relaxation

Done with this page? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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