Free Creative Writing Prompts #20: Travel

On a rainy day (like it is in Chicago on the day I'm writing this) sometimes there's nothing more you want to do than to get out of town. Whether it's for a vacation, a business trip, or for a family matter, travel can take you through a lot of different emotions and past memories. This is a treasure chest of writing ideas waiting to happen for most people who've bounced around the country (or several) during their lifetimes. While not all of our travel memories are happy, these free creative writing prompts can hopefully make them productive. Feel free to use any of them to create some writing in the form at the bottom of the page. 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Travel

1. What is the best vacation you've ever been on? Who were you with, where did you travel to, what were some of the sights that you saw? Write down every detail and pose a hypothetical trip with the same people if you went back today.

2. What is the worst vacation you've ever been on? What fights occurred, how lost did you get, how much money did you lose, etc.? Pose a hypothetical of the trip going perfectly and see what major things would have changed.

3. What is your most memorable airport/airplane experience? Did you sit on the runway for a long time? Talk to a runway model on the plane? Have to run...way far to get to your gate on time? :) Use lots of details and try to remember all of the emotions that you had at the time.

4. Talk about a time in which you had to show someone foreign to your neighborhood, town, country, planet around the area. Do you feel as though you were a good tour guide? What did this person (or alien) think after your demonstration?

5. Create a story in which you are in a foreign country in which you don't speak the language...and you've lost all of your belongings (cash included). How do you deal with this situation?

6. Why is travel so stressful? What would you have to do to take all of the stress out of traveling for yourself? A closer airport? Calmer family members? Your own jet? Talk about it as if it was happening and detail your first stress-free traveling experience.

7. Did you ever have a foreign love experience? If not, make one up and talk about how you met, how your love progressed, and what it was like leaving him or her (if you ever did leave!).

8. Have you ever traveled back to the "mother country" to discover your family's roots? If not, make up a story in which you did and see how much you can find out about your ancestry. Did you learn anything about yourself and the kind of person you are on this trip?

9. Talk about a road trip that you've had. Who was there, where were you going, and what seedy rest stops did you go to along the way? If you haven't been on such a trip, create the ideal trip for yourself by getting your best friends together and going to your favorite driveable location (that is at least 100 miles away).

10. You are in the airport and you are about to travel home for the holidays. Except one problem. You're snowed in! Talk about your night (or nights) at the airport and if you meet any strange and interesting people. 

As I always encourage with these prompts, you can use them both for writing and as a way to grow. Plan out that trip that you've always wanted to take that you know will be a growing experience. Or just create that novel you've always wanted to pen out. Either way works fine by me :). As long as you are creating using these free creative writing prompts, I am sure that you are using your time wisely. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - You have been granted the ability to fly! I mean, like Superman! Where do you travel with this newfound ability now that you don't need to save up frequent flyer miles? 

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Done with this page? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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