Free Creative Writing Prompts #15: Work

Don't you just love work? No? You don't?! That' most people :). While, as you can tell from some of my other articles, I recommend finding something you love to do with your time and making money off of it, that doesn't always seem possible. You spend a large portion of the middle of your day (or the beginning or end for you other shifters) at your office five days a week. It's about time that you got some writing out of it. Here are some free creative writing promptsabout that money-making soul-sucker: work. 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Work

1. In a magical turn of events, you have become the boss of your office. Your former boss now has the position you had and you get to control both the direction of the company and how you treat your employees. How do you change the faults of the previous boss and do you let power change you at all? Be honest!

2. It's the office Christmas party and you have had one too many. What do you do with your lack of inhibitions and with all your co-workers as an arm's length?

3. Time for some inter-office gossip...about you! Write a conversation of three people at work talking about you behind your back. Feel free to make the rumors progressively more ridiculous as you go on.

4. What is your dream job? Talk about how to get it and what you do when you have it. Go into enough detail and maybe it will come true :).

5. Who is your work crush? You know what I'm talking about. The most-attractive person there who you lavish most of your attention on. Talk about this person and what makes him or her so compelling. Feel free to add a love story to the end of it.

6. You have been laid off. What do you do to make ends meet and is there any way you can use this event to get into a better situation than you originally were?

7. You become involved in a conspiracy to rip-off your company! How did you get into this situation and are you going to follow through with it? Does your conspiracy end up getting away with it?

8. You have been given a huge raise. I'm talking about double the money you are making right now. What do you do with your new found cash flow?

9. Detail a night of you out with your work friends (if you don't have any, just your co-workers). The night is long and full of alcohol and may involve the spilling of many secrets. What do you learn? What do you tell?

10. You give the best presentation of your life about the thing you care about the most in this world. Write down the presentation as if you were actually going to present it. 

You know the best time to work on these prompts? At work itself! I'm kidding, but not really. These free creative writing prompts have the subliminal message that you should find a position that makes you happy in the long run. For instance, I hope that this blog some day yields me the financial security to be both well-fed and charitable. Paying off those loans wouldn't be a horrible thing either ;). 

Bonus Prompt - The fairy godmother of the working world has come knocking on your door, ready to grant you three wishes that can only take place in your present job and during the hours of 9 to 5. What do you wish for and how does it turn out? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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