Free Creative Writing Prompts #34: Wrestling
There are two major types of wrestling that have had an impact on my life. That is "professional" wrestling (WWE, ECW, TWA, etc.) and scholastic wrestling, which is the kind of wrestling you'll see going on in a high school wrestling meet. When I was growing up, my brother and I would go to the video store almost every weekend and pick up an old school WWF tape and watch Macho Man Randy Savage battle Hulk Hogan (the mega powers collide! :)). It was like a soap opera for guys with a lot of punching and kicking. Watching that type of wrestling while growing up caused me to want to wrestle in middle school and high school. That kind of wrestling was a lot different than watching it. Bruises, achy knees, and mat burn made the winter a tough few months to get through. That being said, I wouldn't have traded that experience for the world as it taught me a lot about fighting for yourself and never giving up. These two types of wrestling are the influences for these freecreative writing prompts about wrestling.
Free Creative Writing Prompts: Wrestling
1. You have the ability to create two new WWE superstars who will battle each other at the next PPV (wrestling talk for Pay Per View). What are their names, costumes, signature moves, and what is their overall persona like? Go into detail and then describe the feud and match from start to finish.
2. Talk about being a spectator at either a professional or scholastic wrestling match. What is the crowd like and what is the general feeling in the air? You can draw on personal experience or make it up, but make sure to go into extreme detail.
3. You come in for your early morning weigh-in the day of a meet (your pre-match weigh in will be around 5 PM). You are 3 pounds over and you have no idea how it happened? Talk about your day and how you are going to lose 3 pounds before the match weigh-in, but how you'll still be strong enough to win your match.
4. You go out to the mat and shake hands with your opponent. You're not exactly sure how it happened, but the guy you're wrestling looks to be twice your size. Isn't that what weight classes are for? How do you get through the six minute match?
5. You have been given the position of a jobber in the WWF. What is a jobber? A wrestler who goes out there to lose to the big stars so that audience is happy. How do you deal with going in, losing, and collecting your paycheck just to lose again? Talk about a week in the life of your jobber career.
6. Somehow, you have been transported into the body of a huge musclehead in the midst of the 1980s. This musclehead is in a WWF old-school feud with none other than Hulk Hogan! What do you and Hogan talk about in the middle of your match? How does it feel to be wrestling one of the greats in the midst of his prime?
7. You go out to the mat to meet your opponent. It's a girl! While, this isn't completely unheard of, it's the first time that you've ever had to wrestle a girl. You look over and see the snickering of your friends. What happens in the match?
8. Your coach wants you to lose 20 pounds in the next two weeks so that you can wrestle at a different weight class. He hands you a rubber suit and says, "this is how we used to do it in the old days." Do you use the suit? Do you ask the coach about wrestlers who have died from them? Do you take it but work off the weight your own way?
9. You are in the big shower with a bunch of other wrestlers after a big practice. You are having your typical conversation about sports and gross guy stuff. Detail the conversation from beginning to end.
10. Your favorite wrestling super star has selected you in a contest to go out with him to a club and hang out for the entire night. How does the night go? What are all the crazy weird things he tells you about his life?
Wrestling can be an entertaining sport to watch, but a brutal one to be a part of. If you've ever wrestled, you know that it can really take a lot out of you. These free creative writing prompts about wrestling are meant to deal with that pain and hard work and put them into words. They can also give you a good context for anyone you know who is involved in this brutal and rewarding sport. Happy writing!
Bonus Prompt - You have inherited your own amateur wrestling federation. What kind of wrestlers do you work with and how do you rival the huge monopolized WWE?
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Written by Bryan Cohen
Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on Google+ and Facebook.
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