If Technology was Never Invented

by Sarah Malvoisin
(Ocala, Florida)

If technology was never invented my family would have spent the day playing games with each other, going to the beach and just having a good time with each other. We did just that but now we all are cooped up in our rooms watching TV, listening to music, texting and on the computer most of the time.

I do think this could have changed my family dynamics because before we knew what we were doing on the computer or before we even had a cell phone we would always go out together. It has really changed what we do today because everyone wants to text or talk to their friends on the phone to share information on what happened that day etc...

If movies, television etc... were never invented I don't know how my family survives because we all love to watch movies at home. If it was not invented I would probably just sleep, read and go outside all the time. Everything you do inside pretty much requires technology, but if your outside you really don't pay attention to those things until you actually go inside. I honestly think that technology has kind of ruined us because we depend on it too much. If it wasn't invented I think that families would be much closer because most of the time the child is on the phone, watching TV. or on the computer. Technology helps you connect with your friends easier and faster, so you don't have to worry about sending a letter.

To conclude, technology has been a very big help on all of us but our family dynamics has changed a lot over the years with different types of technology coming out. Your family dynamic changes because we let technology do it. I think my family dynamic has only changed a little because we still do things together but not as much.

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