by kenvonte daniel
If television was never created.I believe life would be very different,such as kids and there character/behavior would be totally different.From watching television/movies kids tend to try the differnt stuff they see from fighting to cursing.But then again television can be a good source of learning there's early morning shows where there's different activites when the kids are learing there abc's to there 123's.So there's good and bad about movies so either way it is a good thing it was created.
To begin,tv movies good or bad?I believe some movies can be very good as learning about everyday life and how to learn from your mistakes and grow.Im going to be honest tv taught me about responsibility and how caring is sharing.Today i am 14 years old and I am still learning from these tv shows and movies,so like i said before movies can be good or bad.Its honestly what you make it.Then again if you have no other household sibilings its hard to grow up without tv.Tv can be your older sibiling in some situations.
next,what if tv or movies were never created?I honestly think that life would a hassel.There would be no entertainment wat so even,out lives would be miserable!I think that if tv was never made less people would be inn jail,tv/movies influence you to do things you dont usually do.For example the movie "bad boys" there's alot of shooting and killing it gives you ideas to do certain things to maybe try.Thats another reason I dont think movies can be bad.But then again ther's that entertaning thing again.
inconclusion,im okay with the fact that they made tv its a good source of life and it very entertaing.So tv/movies are okay in my book,the good movies at least.I am happy that they made tv/movies that was a good invention!Thanks to who ever made tv/movies thanks alot.
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