by xhulio mezini
(ocala,florida,united states of america)
If Television wasnt invented while i was growing up then my life would be alot different then it is now.I spend most of my time watchin T.V(television.Without a T.V movies would not exist.Movies inspire people and let thier imagination expand. My family and me would probably play board games together 2 pass time.We Would play games like monopoly.When we get bored with monopoly , I'de bring out the cards and play a game called uno.Another fun game is called hide and seek,where 1 person was it and everyone else hides.The person that was it had 2 find everyone.The next day we woke up we would play a game called dodgeball.In Dodgeball you separate people into two teams.There will be atleast three balls in the middle of the two teams.When the referee says go then the two teams rush to get the balls and run back to the back of thier line and start throwing the balls.If someone catches the ball that you threw then you got to get on the side lines and wait for the game to end to get back inside.Without Telivision ,movies,ect. My life and family life would be boring.Everying that used to entertain me are not existing yet.
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