by Jaquez McCoy
(Ocala,FL USA)
If Television, movies,etc.Were never invented while I was growing up then my life would really suck and be boring.Also to be honest all I really do is watch Television during my spare time.Also without Television,movies,etc the world would be less entertaing,boring,and also waisting there time so that would really suck.If televison, movies,etc were never invented me and my family would spend the evening time going outside.We would all go outside and play sports,games,and etc.Me and my brothers would play eachother 1on1 in basketball we would play to 10.The first one to win had to play my dad.
So me and my little brother went at it it was pretty easy because he was small and I was much bigger than him.Also during most of the game he was getting mad because everytime he tried to score to the hoop I would always steal it from him or block it.So I beat my little brother it was really east no competion agaisnt me.
Next it was time to take on the old man which is my dad.I told myself this should be a pretty easy game because he was old an he could barely even run.Also it was hot and he hates the sun and he gets really really tired.So I beat him 10 to 0 too easy.
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