PC vs. Mac

by Nathan King
(Ocala, Fl)

"Good morning Ocala I'm Nathan." "And I'm Chase, and your listening to CAN radio!" " So lately I've been hearing a lot of talk about the battle between PC and Mac. I've been wondering which one you think is better?"
" Well Nathan their both great computers but I believe it's all about personal opinion." " well I say we go to one of our callers and get their thoughts' on these two corporations."

"Hi caller number one your on CAN radio.""Hi Chase and Nathan my name is Debbie. I love your show!""Well thanks. So lets get back to the topic of the day. Debbie which do you prefer Mac or PC?" "Personally I'm more of a Mac type of person" "Why is that?" "Well to start off I own a Mac and I feel like Mac is the better computer. Don't get me wrong PC is a good computer but Mac just has that extra oomph to put it over the top. I'm talking about the devices such as the iTouch, the iPad, the computers. All the bundles up into one whole package just blows PC out of the water." "Well thank you Debbie for that wonderful insight on your thought on the Mac"

" Hi your on Can radio" "Hey you guys I'm Dan" Hi Dan thanks for calling in. So the question is PC or Mac. Which one are you?" " To be honest I like PC over Mac." "And why is that" "Well I am in the computer business and I work on a Pc and have a PC for the main computer and to me PC is the best computer out there. Granted Mac does have some good gadgets and computers but PC I think beats them by a land slide. Not just because I own one but over half of Americans do as well. I feel as if it the best computer on the market." "Well thanks for your thought on the PC have a good day." "Thanks you too."

"Well there you have it. One for PC one for Mac. Guess that feud lives on. Thanks for listening to CAN radio that's all the time we have. I'm Nathan." "And I'm Chase and this is CAN radio signing off."

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