by Dylan
It was Friday night when John had disappeared. Everyone thought that he just went to another camp but I knew better. John would never leave without letting someone know. I told the police but there was no sign of him. So I am going to look for him myself. Today is the first day that I started to look for him.
I searched for a few days, and I finally found something! I found his cell phone lying on the ground, in front of a giant manor. I looked through it and found that he had been recording what was happening. “Hit on the head by something, not sure what but it hurts like a bitch! I think it’s just Brandon playing a prank, but I have no idea where I am.” I had to stop reading because I felt a pair of eyes peering down at me. I looked around but I saw no one. I decided to keep reading. “It’s been two days and I haven’t found anyone. I’m in someone's house, but it’s been abandoned. I tried to call someone but I have no signal. My head is feeling better but now I'm lost and confused. I keep feeling someone peering down a”... “You're Next” I heard that and bolted to the nearest camp. I froze when I found the clearing. There were four corpses, all looking in my direction! I tried to run but there was someone behind me who blocked the way. Before I could react, I heard someone start to laugh. “We got you good!” I turned to see the four “corpses” stand up. I suddenly realized that it was my friends, Beth, Brandon, Vanessa, Fred, and John! “Where have you been! I’ve been looking for three days!” “Dude, I’ve been at the police station because they thought that I was lost. When I heard you had come in looking for me, I starting planning on how to scare you. I told the police officers my plan, and they went with it. Yours went into the woods looking for me while we were setting everything up. When you made it to the house, I was in the camp getting the makeup on everybody. When you came running in the camp, you scared the shit out of us because we were waiting for the officer's signal that she had run out the house to scare you. We just went with it and now we're here. :)” “You’re a fucking asshole, you know that.”
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