So Much to Do, So Little Time

by Kathryn

If I would have been granted adulthood as a child for ONE DAY... When I woke up, I would eat ice cream for breakfast, complete with all the trimmings. Then I would have went to the pool (without waiting two hours in order for the "benz" to pass), probably getting baked crispy.

After I swam off my ice cream breakfast, I would go to McDonald's for lunch and get WHATEVER I WANTED, probably large fries and coke. Maybe a couple cheeseburgers. Then I'd go SHOPPING at the mall, buy games, dolls, clothes, purses, accessories, all the COOL things all the big girls had. By this time I'd probably be pretty tired, and as soon as I got home through the door, I'd be in bed asleep before my head hit the pillow.

If I could go back to childhood for just twenty-four hours.... Oh, the things I would do. I'd get up SUPER early, cause it was easy to do that back then. I'd have my mom make me pancakes and bacon with milk to drink.

We would go to the park and I'd get pushed on the swing, and then I'd play on the jungle-gym and in the sand box til I got hungry for lunch. Then we'd go to somewhere really good like Chili's for fajitas, and my mom would buy me a Shirley Temple and let me get a refill.

After that we'd go to the circus and get cotton candy and watch the elephants and clowns! So many people and colorful costumes. For some reason there is a carnival across the street, so we go there next. We ride the Ferris wheel and get sno-cones and corn dogs. All the bright blinking lights and loud music competing with the carny-calls creates a symphony of joy.

Pretty soon it starts getting late, so we drive home. My mom has me take a bath and she washes my hair and scrubs me up, then puts me in nice warm jammies and tucks me in with my teddy bear.

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