Teaching Analogies is a free downlaod from Teachers Pay Teachers. The file is a PowerPoint presentation containing a lesson plan for teaching students about analogies, which are language exercises comparing two pairs of items that are otherwise dissimilar.
Analogies are an important part of a well-rounded language skill set. The ability to analyze two seemingly unrelated pieces of information to find the link is a higher level skill that will also strengthen critical thinking, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and language creativity.
This PowerPoint teaches students a visual technique to dissect an analogy and fill in the missing word. It includes a graphic organizer called a “bridge map” that gives a visual structure to the analogy and the lesson.
Anyone who has taken the SAT has been exposed to analogies, but many students don’t master the skill. This lesson is an effective breakdown of analogies, taking students step by step through the process of decoding an analogy by starting with information they know and then determining the link. The bridge map is helpful and is likely to be known by today’s English teachers, though it would certainly be easy to teach to without prior exposure to it.
While the presentation is designed to be a lesson plan for teachers to deliver to students, a self-directed learner could easily follow the file to study analogies on his or her own. This may be something that could be a tremendous benefit to the practicing writer.
You can download your own copy of the Teaching Analogies PowerPoint here.
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