Test Your Kurdish Learning Ability is a free download from Teachers Pay Teachers. The PowerPoint presentation is meant to be a warm-up activity for students to engage their critical thinking and pattern analysis skills. The activity gives students the numbers 1-10 in a Kurdish dialect, which presumably none of the students will know. It then presents groups of numbers between 10 and 20 with multiple-choice answers for students to pick the next number in the series. The packet also includes an instructional sheet for teachers, a half-page handout containing the exercise’s basic building blocks for students, and a more complete key for teachers.
The lesson is a really interesting exercise in pattern analysis that comes straight from the study of linguistics. Students have enough information to piece together the right answers, once they engage their pattern analysis skills. Linguistics is a highly relevant field for writers and creative writing – the more a writer knows about language in general, the more equipped that writer is to use his or her own language skillfully. And how many times have you heard someone say they learned a lot about their native language when they studied a foreign one?
The lesson is set up primarily as a linguistic exercise, but it has applications for quite a few different courses. Classes in sociology, language (foreign or otherwise), geography, and history might all find this exercise interesting.
You can download your own copy of Test Your Kurdish Learning Ability here.
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