Thanksgiving Writing
Prompt List

This Thanksgiving writing prompt list is in honor of the upcoming holiday here in 2011. I've written a previous page of Thanksgiving writing prompts and in the month of November it is always one of my most popular pages. I figured I'd give it a second go though to throw in some more imaginative ideas than I did the first time around. Enjoy these delicious, turkey-flavored prompts! 

1. Imagine that you were a part of the first Thanksgiving between the American Indians and the pilgrims. What would your role be in such a feast and what are some things you would notice that didn't make it into the history books?

2. Whether it be a result of marriage, being away at school or some other unforeseen circumstance, almost everybody has at least one Thanksgiving away from his or her family. What would your first turkey day without family be like and how would it be different from your traditional holiday meal?

3. If your Thanksgiving turkey could wake up and talk to you and your family what would it say and why? Would you still eat him after he spoke his piece?

4. Create a story of a perfect Thanksgiving meal from beginning of the day until the last dish is washed. Who is there, what food is available and what activities do you all participate in to make the holiday the most memorable in existence?

5. You have the choice to invite five guests, dead or alive, to your Thanksgiving dinner to share in your food, family and friendly conversation. Who are they, why do you choose them and what is it like dining with them?

6. Even though some of the biggest parts of this holiday revolve around food, it's important to remember to give thanks. What are some of the things you are most grateful about from the last year? What are some things you hope to be thankful for in the coming year?

7. Imagine that you and your childhood friends were involved in a wild Thanksgiving Day adventure a la "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving." What happens on this crazy day and are you able to keep the traditions of the holiday alive?

8. You have been chosen to design a new float for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. What do you decide to design and why? How do the announcers and the viewing public respond to your stunning creation?

9. In last ditch effort to fly home for Thanksgiving, your plane was stranded hundreds of miles away from home at an airport. To salvage the holiday, you and the other passengers from the stranded plane resolve to have a Thanksgiving meal at the airport itself. Describe the meal and the new people you meet during this alternative holiday gathering.

10. Imagine that you were in a room full of important people who decided on the original symbols of Thanksgiving. Sure, they ended up deciding on turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce, but before those food staples, they came up with hundreds of rejected Thanksgiving ideas. What were some of the rejected ideas? Which were the best and which were the worst? 

I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday this year and this Thanksgiving Writing Prompt list. For more prompts, including 10 about Thanksgiving and 990 about other holidays, occupations and aspects of life, check out my book 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts

Done with Thanksgiving Writing Prompt List? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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