by Warren Humphries
(Camilla, Georgia, USA)
Beauty can be seen in everything, why shouldn't it be. After all, no one every accused me of the numerous pranks I pulled on the Jocks in High School. Ugly is Ugly. Case Point. Jock face "Muscles" as he was called embarrassed himself by crapping in his pants while running the ball for a touch down. Needless to say he was so embarrassed. He vowed he would pay back without mercy. So I, started the rumor that Ruthie did it to get even for "Muscles" embarrassing her in cooking class by saying, "I wouldn't never eat the food cooked by an ugly woman, and you are so ugly I bet the yoke of an egg would turn green if you cooked it".
No one will ever suspect me, after all Beauty doesn't create ugliness, so beauty can't be seen as doing ugly.
In Collage my pranks were more evil. Like the time I put red food coloring in the Dean's chair. He instantly became the joke of the day, week and year that he was always so cranky because he had "periods".
Now I am Detective in the New Orleans Police Department.
I wonder. Can I get away with murder? Can my Beauty still be seen as "not one who would do ugly".
Can I commit a murder, plant evidence so another would be the number one suspect, and then investigate in such a way that "the ugly person" is found guilty.
Let's see. The Captain is cheating on his ugly wife. She kills him, and is seen as the betrayed wife who must get it. After all, the Captain is sleeping with a Beautiful Woman who will never be seen as doing ugly.
Perhaps if I can do my first murder I can follow up with many more. I can leave such clues so the Press will name him "The Joke of the Day" murderer.
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