
I would be a Twilight Vampire because I truly like blood and you get to come out a Twilight to hunt for prey.

One summer afternoon, I was walking down the street, by the flowering bushes-what most twelve year olds do in the summer. Suddenly, I saw this young guy-about 28 at most-walking in back of me. I turn around and smile a friendly smile.
“Hi,” I say to him, “my name is Alice, what's your name?”
The guy smiles a smile at me. A very eerie smile. “Hi Alice, what are you?”
The question stuns me. What are you? Who would ask that? No one. All humans look the same and they would know that I'm a human unless they're mentally ill or something. He doesn't even answer my question about what his name is. Well whatever. I'll play his way.
“A human,” I say looking at him like he's the weirdest person ever, “are you anything different?”
He laughs this creepy looong laugh that reminds me of a vampire. “Yes, I actually am something different. I'm a Vampire. My name is Adam. Adam the Vamp. Call me Vamp please. But in public call me Adam.”
I stare at him and almost jump out of my skin. Maybe he's pretending, I thought. But something isn't right. I start to take off running-the best thing to do-but he quickly grabs me from behind. His skin is more pale white than before and his white fangs are hanging down.
“I won't hurt you!” He says, “you aren't a normal human so I won't hurt you! I promise!”
I stop and stare at him-studying him for any trace of lying. Nothing.
“Since you're a twelve year old girl,” he goes on, “you're going to go through rapid changes. So-”
“Stop!” I scream at him, “you're not my father-plus you aren't even a girl!”
“No, no, no,” he says, hands still locked onto my shoulders, “I'm telling you this because your parents have no idea. You're a vampire. And you'll be getting your fangs tonight at Twilight. You and I will hunt together for the first few weeks. Then you can go alone. My friends will love to meet you!”
I stare at him. Uncertain if I should believe him or not. I always have loved blood. So maybe he isn't lying. Maybe vampires do exist.
My skin turns pale white and my eyes turn bloodshot red. The sky turns grey and my face gets hints of grey. Like a real costume. Only it isn't a costume. It's me. I'm a vampire.

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