We Woman

by Anna

I was married fairly young had 5 children 3 boys 2 girls, grown up now and living there own lives, was divorced 10 yrs now and now living alone find it all so lonely i want to do something with my life now for what ever time I have left yes its horrible to think like that but i do think a lot of woman think the same about life after they have reared there family we guide and help our family to carry on with there lives but no one comes back to guide us, but we are strong we can do it we have to think positive woman if we feel we want to do something with our life lets do it were not going to hurt anyone by doing it, ive always wanted to live in the country told a friend of mine im thinking of doing this o she thinks it would be a big mistake to do that i dont see this as a mistake i see as something i want to do i making plans at the moment to move to the country and feeling excited the more i think about it yes looking forward to moving, my friend says im doing a shirley valentine lol i have been thinking about this for years and now im ready to to it i think its fear that holds us back in life and its not easy for us alone making desisions i dont want to sit in years to come and have regrets had to many of them in my past life now its time for positive thinking im sure there lots of woman like myself who would love to do something for them self and move on to some thing new do it and best of luck we woman are wonderful


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Oct 23, 2015
just do it NEW
by: Anonymous

That is not the right choice sitting all the time at home and being lonely. Just go out, with your friends and whoever, talk to people, maybe they will give you some good ideas of what you would like to do.
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Sep 15, 2015
Fahad Mustafa NEW
by: Anonymous

This is true that "We Women" can change the world through their work, efforts and experience as well. Check out our essay service sydney and share your feedback about that kind of stuff and process.

Sep 09, 2015
nsw-writers com NEW
by: Anonymous

Husband and wife both are like two tyres of a vehicle which have equal importance in life. But now a days ratio of divorces is increasing is very rapidly due to some reasons whose more effect can be seen on women.Divorced women have to suffer number of difficulties like earning money. So my advise is for women that they should forget their past and move on in better way by trust in God.

Jun 22, 2015
Good post NEW
by: Miss Bret Runolfsson

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