New inventions are being thought of everyday whether they put them into action or not they are there. Inventions such as cell phones, t.v's, radios, home phones, and much more, play a big part in our everyday life. I think to myself and wonder, how could i not live with a t.v they give us information and have wonderful shows.
I could not live without a t.v because they tell us very helpful news. Having a t.v is very useful, we can learn about what type of weather we are going to have that day, or the week, also we can have news on political issues. The t.v also gives me information on celebs, the market, political views, and the weather. Perhaps we had no t.v and really have not even thought of the idea. On the way is a massive hurricane, we were doing chores, school work, and playing the Wii, all of a sudden the window breaks, and the trees sway. This has happened so sudden, everyone could have been prepared if a t.v was there to deliver the horrifying news.
Also t.v's are a place where you can escape work, school, and chores, and explore a new world of shows, news, and movies. Many watch t.v eveyday some for news but others for the actual shows. My favorite shows that keep me watching t.v are, Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Kate PLus 8, and many more. Also there are over 10,000 channels to surf and explore. Channels like CNN, ESPN, Nick, Disney, TLC, ABC family, and so much more.
In conclusion, I would never be able to live without t.v because it gives us information on news. And gives us the chance to watch some of our favorite families. The t.v is a resourceful way of getting information in a fun way. The t.v is a new light in our lives that we would not be able to live without.
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