4th Grade Writing Prompts #3: Bullying

One of the scariest experiences for a 4th grader can be a bully. This collection of 10 4th grade writing prompts deals with the subjects of bullying and violence at school. Perhaps by having children at this age learn more about the problem, it can prevent such a problem from occurring.

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digital and paperback form. 

4th Grade Writing Prompts #3: Bullying

371. One of the big problems of bullying is that bullies will make fun of every way that you are different from “normal" people. List five reasons why it’s awesome to be different, so that the next time someone makes fun of you, it’s a compliment and not an insult.

372. Even though it doesn’t seem like it, people who say mean things and bully other kids around, they tend to feel bad about themselves. This is the main reason that the bullies act the way they do. Think of a bully in your life or make up a bully and come up with a few reasons the person might be having a tough time.

373. Imagine that you have decided to become an “anti-bully," a person who says nice things to build people up instead of mean things to beat people down. Pick three random people in the room and think of a few nice things that you could say to them to build up their self-esteem.

374. Think about a time where you said something mean, or where you didn’t stop a mean thing from happening to another kid. How could you have acted differently to make the situation better?

375. Create a story about a bully who decides to change his ways. Determine what it is that made the bully want to change and detail how his life is different after switching “mean" to “serene."

376. One of the reasons that people are mean is in an effort to be more popular. Imagine that popularity was completely different and it was based on how nice kids could be to one another. If that were to happen, who would be the popular kids in your school? If the meanest people were the least popular, who would be the least popular kids?

377. Instead of singling out people and making them feel bad (one term for that is called “ostracizing" a person) we should celebrate our differences and learn things from people that are different from us. Think of a few people in your school who are different who you might be able to learn something from and write a little story about meeting with them.

378. Making a joke at a person’s expense is one way of being mean. An example of this is saying that someone is weird or that they look funny so that your friends will laugh. This makes the person feel bad. Try to come up with a few jokes you could use in a situation that wouldn’t make anybody feel bad, but would include everybody in the enjoyment.

379. It is not a good idea to fight a bully with your fists and if the bully has a lot of friends and you’re all alone, you might get into serious trouble. What are five things you could do in this situation to stand up for yourself without violence?

380. Becoming a nicer, happier person is not like flipping a light switch. There are certain things you may have to learn in order to stop yourself from being a full-time or part-time bully. What are some of the traits you think you might have to learn and how would you learn them? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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My Bully Story Not rated yet
Hello Everyone,i'm Jaidan and this is the time my hair wascut off by Derrick the class clown.I'm almost in 5th grade and I've been getting bullied a little …

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