261. Imagine that your backyard consisted of an entire mountain of fallen leaves from trees. How would jumping in the leaf pile be different when it was so huge? Would you enjoy it more or less and why?
262. You are the top pumpkin carver in the entire world and you can carve these orange beauties into any shape you want. What would your favorite pumpkin shape be for a jack-o’-lantern and why? What would it be like to tour around carving pumpkins for people?
263. The fall is one of the best times of year to visit a farm for a hayride. What might it be like to be driven around in a hay-filled truck, walk through a pumpkin field and hang out with the farm animals? What would you enjoy about it, and what would you dislike? Why?
264. You've been entered into the Leaf Raking Olympics! You will challenge all of your friends to be the fastest to rake up the backyard pile of leaves. What would it take for you to get a gold medal in this event? What would be the toughest part and why?
265. Not only has your family gone to a pumpkin patch to pick some beautiful pumpkins, but it has decided to pick your favorite size and shape pumpkins! What do you look for in a good pumpkin? What would that pumpkin look and feel like and why?
266. The fall is also a great time for picking apples, peaches, pears, and other fruits at your favorite farm. If you had the choice of how to use these fruits, what would you create with them and why? What if you had to make the food items without any help?
267. It's hard to think of fall without thinking of the Thanksgiving feast. What objects would you include in the meal to make it as fall-themed as possible? How would these fall items taste?
268. Imagine that you worked on a farm and had to create a scarecrow to keep the birds away from your crop. What would you do if the scarecrow started talking to you? Would you be more or less scared than the crows and why?
269. You are creating a fall tree sculpture for your mom before she gets home from work. What materials do you use for the tree and for the leaves? How do you think she'd like your design and why? Where would this fall artwork be displayed in the house?
270. Your family has gathered apples, caramel, and chocolate to make some delicious candy apples. What extra ingredients might you put on your candy apple and why? What might your candy apple look, smell, and taste like?Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.