Fall Food Writing Prompts

Here are 10 fall food writing prompts you can use to ring in the season with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Seasons on Amazon.

301. Imagine that you were forced to eat three meals completely made out of pumpkins on the first day of fall. What different kinds of pumpkin foods might you see? Would you get sick of pumpkins by the end? Why or why not?

302. What changes would need to be made if you were having a vegan Thanksgiving meal? Which dishes that you enjoy the most would you have to skip? What are some meat- and dairy-free foods that you might replace them with and why?

303. Describe what it might feel like to sit on your porch sipping a warm apple cider watching the leaves fall from the trees. How would this feeling be different from relaxing during the other seasons and why?

304. Cinnamon is one of the top spices of the season and can be used on anything from gingersnap cookies to spiced drinks. What are your favorite foods that incorporate cinnamon? Why do you think cinnamon reminds people of fall?

305. After a chilly day of leaf raking, what would be your ideal fall meal to warm you up? Would it be a soup or a stew? A baked lasagna or meatloaf? Explain your meal in great detail using all five senses to relay your experience.

306. The summer can be too hot for the oven, a problem not shared by the breezy and colder fall season. If you could create any oven-baked meal, what ingredients would it contain and why? Do you think it's necessary to follow a recipe when cooking? Why or why not?

307. Imagine that you have been given a choice between eating your family-cooking Thanksgiving meal or one cooked by a professional and famous chef. Would you pick the chef's meal even though you'd miss out on some of your favorite holiday tastes? Whose meal would you choose and why?

308. Which would you rather put on top of your fall meal: butter, gravy, or cranberry sauce and why? Would your parents approve of your hearty topping? Why or why not?

309. Create a conversation between a bowl of sweet potatoes and a bowl of mashed potatoes. What would these distantly related cousins have to talk about and why? Which of the two would you prefer at the dinner table and why?

310. One of the major vegetables foods of fall is the mysterious squash. Imagine that you had to hunt for the origin of this strange delicacy for your dinner table. Where might your adventure take you and why?

Did you enjoy these fall food writing prompts? Buy a book full of seasonal writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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