Happy Birthday With Love - From the Police

by Ashley K

My favorite birthday would easily have to be the last birthday that passed for me in November. For my 25th birthday last year, we had a girls-night only birthday bash at a popular classy bar and restaurant. All of my closest girl friends that I have been best friends with for years showed up dressed in little dresses, high heels, and looking great.

Besides the usual cake and presents at any ordinary birthday party, this particular party was made special by adding some alcohol and a few members of the police department, fire department, and the town supervisor. In any bar and restaurant atmosphere, ten well-dressed ladies is going o attract a bit of attention and the large group of off-duty police officers invited themselves right over to my table to join us for some fun.

Normally, I am very well-behaved and the least out of control out of all my girl friends, but the officers were more than encouraging bad behavior and good times. The boys in blue shared some of my cake, played a few drinking games with us, started a few small food fights whipping ice cubes, lemons, and cherries across the crowded restaurant, and took many questionable pictures that they should hope their wives never see. They stood on tables singing to me, did shots of hot sauce with Guinness, and certainly made my 25th birthday one that I will remember for a long time.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and my birthday party was absolutely out of control. The restaurant staff couldn't even call the police to break up the wild party cause they were already there!

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