International Womens Day Writing Prompts #3

Here are 10 International Womens Day writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

571. International Women's Day is not typically celebrated in the United States. What do you think a celebration of the holiday would be like in your town if the holiday were as big as Mother's Day? What might your family do in honor of the occasion? Why?

572. In one International Women's Day campaign, women stand on bridges between two connected countries in a demonstration of peace. What do you think these bridges symbolize? Why might such a campaign get attention?

573. Some people use International Women's Day as an opportunity to make a small loan to women in need throughout the world. What might be some reasons that women need $20 to $30 in developing countries? Would you ever consider donating? Why or why not?

574. In some areas of the world, women use the holiday as a protest day in an attempt to get equal rights and pay. Describe what you think such a protest might look like. Could you ever see the women in your life going to such an event? Why or why not?

575. In South and Central Asia, events are held to bring attention to abuse, forced marriage, and a lack of education among women. What do you think can be done to show more support for women in these parts of the world? Why might there be resistance?

576. In parts of Africa, female soccer players visit areas of the continent that do not have gender equality when it comes to sports. What are some reasons that men and women should be allowed to play sports equally? Why are athletics important for empowerment?

577. Throughout Europe, events are held to honor the most inspirational women in the world. Who is the most inspirational woman you know? How would you explain why this woman should be honored?

578. Another set of events for International Women's Day centers on art created by female artists. Describe what it might be like to attend an event filled with art created by women. How might you be affected by it?

579. Throughout the world, many companies give away gifts like free cupcakes, movie tickets, and flowers to all interested women during the holiday. Some women are resistant to these gifts. Why might they resist accepting such presents?

580. Imagine that you were to hold an event for women from every country in the world in your backyard. What would the theme of the event be? What activities would you have available and why?

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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